Thursday 16 June 2016

Money Talks at the Guardian

By way of distraction from the interminable referendum ... our new Mayor, the upright Sadiq Khan, plans to ban posters like this on the buses and tubes. 

Not favoured by Khan
"The ads could 'demean' women and encourage them to conform to unrealistic or unhealthy body shapes."  Sounds like a serious critique:  and in that case the next port of call for his campaigning fervour will, therefore, presumably be the Grauniad.

The worthies of the Scott Trust beg to differ
Then again, maybe not - all that journalism and coverage of critical under-reported stories needs all the support it can get.  And the young lady in their illustration certainly lacks 'coverage' ...

Oh, alright, back to the referendum.



Electro-Kevin said...

Well spotted. And that's without a polka dot bikini in sight.

Steven_L said...

And so it begins ... have we reached 'peak tolerance' (of bare flesh on display)?

As for next port of call, perhaps the Royal Parks?

Blue Eyes said...

Seems odd that a modern liberal politician's first act would be to crack down on immodesty and freedom of expression.

Steven_L said...

Wasn't the first thing Boris did to ban drink on the underground?

Blue Eyes said...

I would argue that is slightly different... and to split hairs, what he did was re-publicise a historic ban. And anyway nobody took and notice.

CityUnslicker said...

Socialists love banning stuff and virtue signalling. It is literally all they do in modern politics.

andrew said...

Part of the practical MP test

"signal, virtue, manoeuvre"

K said...

The funny thing is that while Protein World does sell pseudoscience "diet pills" their main product is protein shakes. People drink protein shakes to build muscle not to lose weight but a bunch of fat feminists thought that protein shakes were the same thing as diet shakes and the media has never corrected them.

If the government was actually interested in improving the health of the nation they would encourage these types of ads which promote fitness.

Anonymous said...

Another funny thing is that the models in question are shortly to be emulated rather publicly by just about every female athlete at the Olympics.

So much for unhealthy body shapes: cos they all look quite fit to me.

APL said...

Neither the 'Beach body ready?' nor the 'Topshop' add give me the impression of an unhealthy body shape.

Other anonymous: "So much for unhealthy body shapes: cos they all look quite fit to me."

Yea, exactly. If you want an unhealthy body shape ...

I give you ...

Wait for it ...