Friday, 16 December 2016

Normalizing Mister Trump

As we know, the most horrifying prospect for all lib-lefties is that Trump and Brexit become *normalized* in everyday life and speech.  Not least, they fear they'll be prey to this themselves.

Well tough titty, chaps, because nothing gonna stop it happening.  Exhibit A:
Nicholas Stern:"Donald Trump may not be as bad for the environment as feared"
Exhibit B:
Brian Leiter: "Trump chooses retired Marine General Mattis as Secretary of Defense - I view this as a good development ... Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Trump's likely choice for Secretary of State ... a businessman and someone who is on friendly terms with Vladimir Putin growing out of past business dealings.  I view the latter as a positive ... I also note that when Tillerson was head of the Boy Scouts of America, he was instrumental in lifting the ban on openly gay Scouts participating."
This is heavy-duty coat-turning, because these people are *Intellectuals*, with serious public platforms upon which they perform to large audiences.  Leiter is a prominent and impeccably lib-lefty US philosophy professor (and prolific blogger), who before the US election wrote many times that Trump's candidature was preposterous and without doubt destined to fail, justly and ignominiously. ("Even though the malevolent narcissist Trump is going to lose the election in a few weeks ...").   I am guessing you know who Stern is.

And it's been all of - five weeks!  Lesser lefty mortals will also be normalizing furiously in their own little corners - because everyone always does (back to our friends the Vicar of Bray and the Common Man).  See, they never really believed Trump was Hitler, all along ...



Flagwaver said...

The classic grief cycle. You can see the plates shifting on Brexit as well, as more people come to accept that it might really happen.

Nick Drew said...

yes, they're gonna hate "acceptance"

Steven_L said...

Never mind 'acceptance', wait for 'Stockholm Syndrome' when they actually start singing his praises from the rooftops!

Electro-Kevin said...

"For less than the price of a cup of coffee a week you can help save The Guardian."

Vv clever.

Blue Eyes said...

Ha, imagine how appalled these people will be if Trump's economy does manage to reduce "inequality"!

CityUnslicker said...

BE - it is very likely to come to pass. Businessmen are going to do a better job than the leftie professors that Obama relied on.

Take one guess said...

You don't give people enough credit, probably a side effect of giving yourselves too much credit, people won't be appalled if Trump (or Brexit) do well, some will just deny it, others will be quietly contritious and hopefully more open minded in the future.

Blue Eyes said...

If socialists were so keen on logic and so willing to accept evidence and change their theories based on evidence, why are so many so damp-eyed about Castro's Cuba?

Anonymous said...

It's modern socialist's BE, not the brightest. Waterboard someone at Gitmo, you're evil, take it further inland 50 miles, and you're the peoples champion. Everything is done through an anti-capitalist (read: anti-US and, in some cases, anti-Jewish) lens.

As for Trump, I'm not sure who I feel most sorry for - the chumps thinking he's going to be a wonderful success, or the idiots who have gone from loathing Trump and are reverse-ferreting themselves into a fantasy land where they think they can work with him.

His 'magnanimity' towards Silicon Valley the other day was a case in point, watching Cook and Page glare into the Tango-coloured oncoming headlights, whilst Twitter was pointedly not invited, was amusing. Maybe it's about time they had a dose of reality, but Trumps reality is rather twisted one.

Another thing to look out for will be share movements prior to tweets, if what happened with Lockheed the other day wasn't a coincidence then we're going to see the leader of the free world using that position for manipulating stocks, essentially he'll be the Lidl version of Goldfinger.