Friday 31 March 2017

Waiting For Sturgeon's Letter. The Suspense!

As Continental Europe hyperventilates over whether May's Letter contains veiled threats (hint: yes, it does - and see part (2) here), we all wait for Nicola Sturgeon to complete her homework in her best loopy joined-up girl-writing.  As luck would have it, a photographer just happened to be in her lounge.  And she was wearing her Interview Suit!

This letter had better be worth it.



Electro-Kevin said...

Over the Legs-it scandal (at first glance) I found myself getting a bit hot for Sturgeon - and then realised who I was looking at and vomited in my mouth a little bit.

gmorris82 said...

Loving the age of staged photos for important moments, i'm hoping to see a photo of David Mundell pissing on the shredded remains of said letter before posting it back

Bill Quango MP said...

I'm expecting her decision to say she wants to begin the campaign for a second Scottish referendum almost immediately. And she will whether the government agrees or not. Scotland will have its own campaign and might or might not hold a non-binding but binding referendum anyway.

*not binding in the event of a no to independence. Otherwise totally and irreversibly binding even if won by a single vote.

gmorris82 said...

The desperation is kicking in rapidly, her career depends on this, the snp's success depends on this last roll of the dice

prepare to fall flat on your face

Blue Eyes said...

Today the Bruxelles establishment has said that *after* UK independence we will not be free to set our own tax rates. How does that leave a hypothetical Independent-but-stil-in-the-EU-Scotland?

Bill Quango MP said...

Seems May didn't even read it. 5 seconds after it was delivered the BBC had a piece up saying "Prime Minister, Theresa May,said she has already ruled out a referendum."

Anonymous said...

Would-be Iron Lady Mk II vs adorable little Scottish pixie-woman. (Look at her, isn't she cuddly?) No contest.

What was it she wanted again?