Thursday, 31 August 2017

Mayday in Japan

I hold no candle for Mrs May, nearly losing an election to actual commies in a right wing country is unforgivable.

But today the news leads with her saying she will stay on and fight another election. This is classic non-story news. Asked a question she gave an answer to put it to bed, after all she is in Japan, trying to get some sort of trade deal going and also offer re-assurance from the Korean menace.

But our intrepid political reporters never give up,why leave the cosy Westminster bubble stories alone when you can create them on demand like this?

What was the PM supposed to say, anything that indicates hesitation and the media line will be she is wobbling and the next call is to Boris. It is a silly and juvenile game indeed.

Re Japan, nice to see Nissan massively expanding its Sunderland production and aiming to increase the use of U.K. Parts. Good deal struck by the Government there, how strange this does not get a mention in the FT - a quality paper also reduced to juvenile behaviour by its editor.


Bill Quango MP said...

The media, who all know this is a made-up story about nothing, still treat it as if it isn't. the
But even they have been covering it in a weary fashion. Well aware that the answer, "Well what else could she say?" could come from their guest at any moment.

I suspect even the leftie media are keen to move this non-story down the running order as soon as anything even remotely of interest occurs.

Nick Drew said...

"We have a whole lexicon – rhetoric, presentation, “spin” – for the supposedly ephemeral aspects of politics, as if beneath them lurks the noble stuff to which we can somehow return. But what if it has gone, and there is no way of getting it back?"

John Harris in the Graun

Charlie said...

Some real politics involving apparently serious politicians has been taking place in Brussels over the last few days. In today's presser, the mood was flat, but convivial. Various UK journos asked a number of provocative questions. The "best" soundbite they got was Barnier's "you'll know when I'm angry". And that's what the evening news has gone with. No detail on what has been discussed, no reporting on the forward-looking statements made by both sides, no ridiculing of Barnier's suggestion that the UK wants to shape the Single Market after leaving it.

I'm not sure what's in the more parlous state - politics or journalism.

Charlie said...

Re-read regret... "flat but agreeable" would probably have been less contradictory.