Thursday, 12 March 2020

Sadiq Khan & Postal Votes: Just Fancy That

The mayor said he had received advice from the Chief Medical Officer on whether the local elections in May, including the London mayoral contest, should be delayed due to the pandemic.
“His advice was quite clear.  He said there is no logical reason to postpone or cancel the elections.  If somebody is worried about going to the polling station, it’s really important to make postal votes as easy as possible."

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh?



Scrobs. said...

I'll have a stab at the result, Nick, Rory hasn't a chance...

E-K said...

I suppose it's his comeback for Boris' letterbox joke.

Raedwald said...

What will Rory do next to keep himself in the media?

Dressing in a pink lycra catsuit and appearing in a TV gameshow worked for George Galloway. To an extent.

E-K said...

He's not going away, is he ! And nor is the EU question. I hear that a petition to cancel Brexit is being taken seriously (even though it's smaller than the one to leave on WTO, which was ignored.)

I thought we'd already left ???

Nick Drew said...

It's probably to lay a trap for Kier Starmer

andrew said...

Where's Rory is the new where's Wally.

or Zelig.

or Flashman

no, not the last two.

Anonymous said...

Are we allowed to link SK with, ahem, "postal voting"??

AndrewZ said...

I suspect that over the next few months we will hear a lot of politicians delivering the standard speech for every crisis:

“The terrible events of [crisis] have proven beyond doubt the vital importance of [something I already wanted to do] to the future of the nation. Unlike [rival party], we will not waver in our commitment to [fashionable buzzword]. We are the true party of [group whose votes I need] and you can always trust us to deliver on [current main concern of group]. National unity, sunlit uplands, yadda yadda yadda.”

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scrobs. said...

So Mare Khan is there for another year!

That's bad news for the struggling tourist business.

Oh dear, what a shame, never mind...

Nick Drew said...

AZ - that, in essence, it what I've been banging on about re: "net zero carbon". Every man-jack is now in favour; and mysteriously it turns out we must give him all our money to achieve it ...

Elby the Beserk said...

A tale of Net Zero Carbon...

E-K said...

15 new cases of COVID-19 in Weatherfield, Manchester.

Coronavirus Street...

Anonymous said...

And skiers being told to go home in French resorts hours after arriving...

E-K said...

All downhill from here...

Nick Drew said...

Enough of the gallows humour already!

You are incorrigible, Kev

E-K said...

If only that were true.