Monday 8 June 2020

You find all sorts on Youtube - who is this know nothing lunatic? 

Posted without comment!


Don Cox said...

These characters are like medieval clergy -- full of their own importance and totally useless.

The clown who introduces doesn't even know that you don't sit close to a wide angle lens if you don't want your face to look distorted.

Crackling of thorns under a pot.

Don Cox

Anonymous said...

Too modest, mate. Good stuff.

E-K said...

Very good and your point of view is most reassuring.

Anonymous said...

Tangentially on topic, some guy on Twitter

"2000 years from now archaeologists find george floyd's gold coffin, hypothesize him to have been a powerful warlord during the catastrophic civilizational collapse known to have occurred around the time of his death"

Anonymous said...

Anon: Very good. It does seem that the determined people who want to destroy civilisation, aided by their fellow travellers in the BBC, now have the initiative. Step 1: erase history and destroy the police. It seems the (conservative) govenment is too weak to do anything but follow along behind.

E-K said...

E-K "Very good and your point of view is most reassuring"

Meant sincerely but not for my job !!!

I have always thought it MAD that people commuted. One of my lads studied micro switches as part of his MChem - he thinks that VR is going to come on leaps and bounds soon and that Zoom will be made to look like telegraph does to the internet.

Blue pill or red ?

dearieme said...

I found that video embarrassingly unwatchable and had to abandon it after a minute or so. Accordingly I have no idea what point your post is trying to make.

Would anyone care to enlighten me?

Nick Drew said...

steady on ...

CityUnslicker said...

Dearime I would expect nothing less of you. IRL the only benefit is less typo's.

Graeme said...

I do hate these podcasts and videos where the presenter spends more than about 15 seconds setting it up and getting going. I ran out of patience just before the Jerry Lewis lookalike handed over to the greatest contrarian thinker in the world. Could anyone explain what business these guys are in? Corporate government solutions doesn't mean much to me. Are they people who do the accounting for fund managers? Their favourite word, "jurisdictions", seems to suggest something along those lines why not just say countries?

dearieme said...

'"jurisdictions", seems to suggest something along those lines why not just say countries?'

The UK has three distinct jurisdictions. For many purposes the USA has fifty.

E-K said...

CU posted this as 'humour'.

Self deprecation. I often find that the most capable and knowledgeable people are the most modest.

I believe it's something to do with self awareness.

CityUnslicker said...

Thanks all, the difference between jurisdictions and countries is law. For example, in the UK we have one country but English law and Scots law. Hence in the legal / professional services world they talk about jurisdictions.

dearieme said...

And Northern Irish law, my man.

I'll grant you that nobody knows anything about it, yet it exists.

Graeme said...

But what is their business? How do they make enough money to make these self-congratulatory videos?

Graeme said...

And they do it in Luxembourg, Bahrain, London, Jersey and New York

Graeme said...

A few seconds thought... "We provide global administration, trustee, accounting, management and governance solutions"

Money Laundering!

CityUnslicker said...

Graeme - that is the thing they are trying to avoid! If yuo have governance and regulation, you get no money laundering. The places without it, like BVI and Qatar are where that stuff happens these days.