Thursday 22 April 2021

Vaccination vacation

 Had the AZ vaccine yesterday, knocked me sideways this thing. Hopefully back up to speed in a few days. 


Timbo614 said...

Sympathies CU. Two of my daughters had the AZ and it knocked them out too. The good news is they were fine again three days later.
Hope the same goes for you!

Nick Drew said...

Had my second yesterday (a small age difference here ...)

Not as rough as the first one, and that was a 2-3 day job

Don Cox said...

Mine were the Pfizer variety; I had the second jab last month.

Very mild flu-like symptoms from the first jab, and nothing from the second. Same from the flu jab.

People's immune systems vary greatly.

Don Cox

E-K said...

AZ vaccine here.

No probs except for an arm that felt like it had been hit with a ball pein hammer.

Then again I never suffer with flu and rarely with colds.

Thud said...

Felt pretty rough for a day and was never so happy to feel so!

E-K said...

So. Having taken something I really didn't want in my body and I'm 99% I'm sure I didn't need...

... is Boris going to fulfil his promises to go on data and not dates ?

And if this vaccine doesn't work because a variant comes along what do we do next ?

Masks and social distancing for years yet ?

The rebellion is already under way going on what I'm seeing now.

James Higham said...

Sigh. Best I say nothing.

Anonymous said...

Our postie had to take two days off after AZ1 - like a bad dose of flu he said.

If anyone has ten minutes to spare, great medical detective story here

dearieme said...

Pfizer. No reaction to first jab, slightly tender arm for a couple of days after the second.

At least these tales remind everyone that people react to shocks to their immune systems in different ways. Though I suppose anyone intelligent would never have doubted that.

I just hope to God that there's no long erm mischief caused by the jabs. Decision-making in the face of uncertainty - such is life.

Don Cox said...

I've been having a flu jab every Autumn for years, and a number of other jabs. No long term bad side effects.

I hope the desired long term effect has taken place, which is the Memory T cells remembering the exact shape of the spike protein molecules, so that they can recognise them if they arrive again.

Don Cox

Scrobs. said...

I only realised that I'd had a couple of nasty days after the second Pfizer jab, when on the second day after the jab, I realised that it wasn't the few Jack Daniels from the first night before, as I'd finished the bottle before that!

If you see what I mean...

lilith said...

Scrobs, far more likely to be a 48hr Jack Daniels poisoning ;)

APL said...

"Had the AZ vaccine yesterday, knocked me sideways this thing"

Enjoy the increased likely-hood of thrombosis, for the rest of your life.

E-K said...

The JD might have corrupted the data a little.

Sobers said...

"Enjoy the increased likely-hood of thrombosis, for the rest of your life."

Thats what I think will be one outcome of all these vaccines. I'm very glad I've hung fire on having one, I was offered one a about a month ago. More and more data is emerging about the toxic effects on blood coagulation of the spike protein that the vaccines create in our bodies, I fully expect the long term effect to be raised heart attack and stroke risks for those who have taken the vaccines. We'll never be told this of course, if it happens, because that would put a noose around a lot of important people's necks. There will just be an unexplained rise in such healthcare outcomes over the coming years which will be studiously avoided by everyone involved.

APL said...

"More and more data is emerging about the toxic effects on blood coagulation of the spike protein that the vaccines create in our bodies, I fully expect the long term effect to be raised heart attack and stroke risks for those who have taken the vaccines."

Nor did the pharmaceutical companies bother to do any research into which 'spike' protein their vaccine should target. They just took what China/WHO gave us 'hook line and sinker' and used that as if it were the correct protein to target.

Gross negligence and incompetence.

lilith said...

Very sorry to hear it CU :(

Don Cox said...

"which spike protein"

There is only one. It has two sub-units.,host%20cells%20and%20cause%20infection.

Don Cox

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E-K said...

Sigh as much as you like, James. This is the attitude I'm seeing here too.

Whether it works or not this vaccine is the last shot.

The grey old men advising (ordering ?) Downing Street are losing all credibility.

Don Cox said...

"effects on blood coagulation of the spike protein that the vaccines create in our bodies, I fully expect the long term effect to be raised heart attack and stroke risks "

How long do you think the spike proteins will be present in the blood stream ?
I would expect two or three days at most -- the time for which people experience flu-like symptoms.

The mRNA that the vaccine puts into cells will have a half life of ten hours or less.

The point of a vaccine is to show the immune system what the enemy looks like, so that it can respond efficiently if it appears again. It's like putting up Wanted posters so that people can learn the face of a dangerous man and know what to do if they see him.

The data describing the shapes of dangerous molecules is stored long term in the Memory T cells.

Don Cox

Anonymous said...

Just to cheer you all up, chatting to a guy working in engineering, two of his workmates down with covid despite having Jab 1 8 weeks ago. Neither in hospital but one described it as "the most ill I've ever been".

Ah well, they say the vaccine doesn't stop you getting it, just reduces your chances of hospitalisation.

Sobers said...

"How long do you think the spike proteins will be present in the blood stream ?
I would expect two or three days at most -- the time for which people experience flu-like symptoms."

Even if the spike protein is short lived in the body don't forget the plan now is to give booster shots on a regular basis (6 monthly has been mooted), for the rest of ones days one assumes. This blood clotting issue won't be a one time risk, it will be a repeated risk every time someone takes the vaccine.

And this is just the first issue thats coming out after doing this clinical trial on millions of people. How many more issues will become apparent over the next years and decades? And more importantly how much do you trust the medical profession to fess up if there is a serious issue? Or indeed to be allowed to fess up by the Powers That Be? Do you really think that the State is going to allow its multi-multi-multi billion pound program to be derailed by mere inconvenient facts? As long as any problems are confined to to statistical analysis of deaths rates, and there isn't a pile of dead bodies near the out door of the vaccination centres they'll keep jabbing and keep telling everyone its safe. They have no alternative.