Friday, 20 August 2021

Weekend: Name That Tesla-Bot!

Elon Musk said he would probably launch a humanoid robot prototype next year, dubbed the “Tesla Bot”, which is designed to do “boring, repetitious and dangerous” work. The billionaire chief executive of the electric carmaker Tesla said the robot, which would be about 5ft 8in tall and weigh 125 pounds, would be able to handle tasks such as attaching bolts to cars with a spanner or picking up groceries at stores ...  Musk said the robot could have “profound implications for the economy” 

So: name that bot!

My proposal?  Why, Botty McBottface! 



Judge's rulings: 

1) Mr BQ wins the compo - perfect! 

2) Andrew (The robot does not exist. It is literally a powerpoint and nothing else) has the solid truth of the matter 

3) E-K is to fill us all in on his evidently excellent news


Timbo614 said...


with 2 Ls Dwarvish (from LotR) for friend + arab market. So market(shop) friend / marketing friend ( it will be a lemon)! Also of course an anagram.

Maybe I'm trying too hard!

Don Cox said...


Don Cox

BlokeInBrum said...


Bill Quango MP said...


PushingTheBoundaries said...


dearieme said...


Mark said...

Subsidy farmer Giles

Anonymous said...

Must be Boris the Robot

Looks good but always f**** up

Boston Dynamics have been in this business for a long time and this is what they claim it looks like

But this is what you'll get. Exactly like Boris

Elby the Beserk said...

It was some time before I realised "Elon Musk" was the real name of a real (?) person. Thought it had to be summat like Max Headroom.

There ya go.

jim said...


Jan said...

It'll be universally known as an Elon eg "I'll just get an Elon to help with the shopping etc

Sobers said...


(oh the irony of having to tick the 'I am not a robot' box.........)

Unknown said...


andrew said...


For two reasons
The baddie always says nothing will help you now...
The robot does not exist. It is literally a powerpoint and nothing else.
Not a thing. No thing. Nothing.

E-K said...
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E-K said...
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E-K said...
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lilith said...

If Elon made a sheep dog robot he could call it Amber Herd.

lilith said...

Kevin, I'm so proud of your boy, you must be off the scale with pride :) Obviously got the parenting right, both of you.

lilith said...

I have no doubt your lad is very smart indeed. However, I don't think that being smart is all that common amongst medics these days. Covid has rather revealed that they are as easily corrupted/duped as anyone else.

E-K said...

Sorry Lilith. I was proper drunk when I posted all that. Hence deletions. I shouldn't have bragged - but yeah. It's off the scale.

lilith said...

Aww Kev. Legit pride, drunk or no!

Nick Drew said...

Judge's rulings:

1) Mr BQ wins the compo - perfect!

2) Andrew (The robot does not exist. It is literally a powerpoint and nothing else) has the solid truth of the matter

3) E-K is to fill us all in on his evidently excellent news

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E-K said...

OK, but less triumphant. I've been buzzing on it all week.

In this, his most critical exam year he came in the top decile.

E-K Jnr has won an excellence award (his second) and funding for his elective in neurosurgery which was cancelled because of Covid. He was meant to have gone to UCL (vice Harvard) but the head of department deemed there should be no surplus staff in theatre because patients are too frail to have been jabbed.

So does laddo accept the "Wellness" course he's been put on instead ? No. He uses his research degree (having intercalated with an MSc in research last year) and wins a place on a team researching AI in diagnosing brain tumours much of which will be working with the brain surgeons he met in his years 1&2 scholarship researching glioblastoma multiforma (that to which the Rt Hon Tessa Jowell succumbed.)

So the news is on topic here (he's probably doing himself out of a job, long term) but what a guy ! Not just academically gifted but savvy too.

The kind of abilities we want running the country, in fact.

To think. Only one university bothered interviewing him when he was applying to med school - despite outstanding predicted IB grades and CV to match. Exeter had the cheek to offer him an unconditional but inferior Medical Science course and he politely declined it. This bit ties in with your latest post. He is called the 'token white boy' by his multi-racial (and mostly female) cohort.

Jan said...

Lovely news Kev and good luck to your obviously gifted son.

E-K said...

Jan - no-one likes a smart arse. But thanks anyway.

Nick Drew said...

thanks for that uplifting update Kev - all our congrats