Apologies to the readership for the break in transmissions, I was away on an intense business trip all last week. It meant I missed the fun of the end of COP26 - which seems to have been successful in generating the hot air it promised. Also I missed the press get down and dirty on more MP's for their second jobs.
The second jobs piece is of interest because it will always be skewed, many Tory MP's had real careers and jobs which is a good thing. They then try to carry these on whilst living on lower incomes as MP's - this may or may not be a bad thing, depending on how they are earning their silver. Labour will never suffer the same and most of their current MP's are morons and useless party acolytes. One of the few successful ones is Keir Starmer and the morality police are banging down his door as much as the Tories. They won't be after the deputy Labour leader, who by any estimations is totally unemployable so of course does not have a second job. Labour will always do better here, just as they will see more of their MP's sent to prison for criminal misdemeanours from their stupid and grasping intakes of grifters.
All of this is pummelling the Government in the polls and quite right too. Labour Budgets, poor political tactics and incompetent leadership - nothing like some large poll leads and some by-election defeats to help concentrate the minds a little onto important matters of state.
Interestingly though, having travelled in Europe much of the week, it is of note that basically the UK has had the right strategy all along with Covid. So much of the remainer-led criticism has been plain wrong and continues to be. The fully lockdown-enthralled states are not doing any better than us and are gearing up for another heavy wave just as we muddle-through with no restrictions and limited deaths. In politics of course, this is a massive loser being right - because there are plenty of anit-vax idiots and commie-lockdown worshippers to help keep the narrative going of poor Government choices.
It's a great shame that the acid-threat woman wasn't jailed pour décourager les autres. Then again how has Keith Vaz avoided having his collar felt? It's a mystery.
"basically the UK has had the right strategy all along with Covid." No; the Swedes were less wrong.
The Swedish strategy worked in Sweden, it most definitely did not work in Brazil. And Sweden did less well (more deaths, greater hit to the economy) than the other Nordic nations. All credit to the Swedes for seeing their strategy through, but there are no universal lessons to be learned here.
'I missed the fun of the end of COP26'
Didn't miss much. St Greta tore into Cop though.
Glad to have you back.
TBH I don't really care if my MP has a second job. From the as-delivered results I find it hard to see what she has done during her tenure - the invisible useless MP. This person does have other government roles - although they seem to be in areas of no use to man nor beast. Looking at the way they go on the process seems ludicrously inefficient - so taking a job must be one way to stay sane.
Re Covid, I suppose it looks pretty similar if you don't look very hard. On cumulative numbers we have Ger at 97.6K, Fr at 118K and UK at 142K which is similar(ish). On the /100K numbers we have Ger at 117, Fr at 175 and UK at 213 and the US at 229. Currently Uk and EU are hovering around 100/day deaths and the US at a 1000/day. Taken from that pinko rag FT. The standout conclusion seems to be if you run your country like a social beargarden you will have a high Covid deathrate.
jim said...
Re Covid, I suppose it looks pretty similar if you don't look very hard. On cumulative numbers we have Ger at 97.6K, Fr at 118K and UK at 142K which is similar(ish). On the /100K numbers we have Ger at 117, Fr at 175 and UK at 213 and the US at 229. Currently Uk and EU are hovering around 100/day deaths and the US at a 1000/day. Taken from that pinko rag FT. The standout conclusion seems to be if you run your country like a social beargarden you will have a high Covid deathrate.
Looking like the new waves are worst in countries with the most people jabbed. Utterly useless "vaccine" that neither stops you from getting Covid or passing it on, quite possibly asymptomatically.
Which makes the jabbed more dangerous than the jabbed. All the more so as the CDC says that there is no evidence that those immune to Covid (as much as 90% of us some papers posit) can infect others. So vaccine passports truly are discriminatory on an epic scale.
Should you wish to check the above, there are many many papers and article on Covid I have stashed away. Help yourself. The more I read the more I am convinced we made the right decision to be unjabbed.
Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out
Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things by a lot. Can you guess?
Jim - Germany has a very odd way of recording deaths from covid, by not really recognising them. Unlike the UK - the only way to tell is excess deaths as that data comes later and it much harder to fiddle. Germany also tests less, so on a real basis has a worse spike than the UK currently. The FT,sadly, still chooses its facts to fit its worldview. Without the NHS, no doubt they have much better survival rates from their excellent hospital system.
India the worst mind, around 500k acknowledged Covid deaths and 5 million excess deaths.
I don't think total figures for a country tell you much. What matters is cases, deaths and numbers fully vaccinated per 100,000.
The figures can usefully be broken down by age.
Don Cox
Indeed Don, look at the utter crapfest that Israel is having with it's highly vaccinated population. We'll idiotically followed suit - its Aesop's fable of the fox that lost it's tail.
Please feel free to correct me, but I don't recall any other mass vaccination programme in this country commencing with the statement that jabs would only be for the vulnerable & very old. Then only one jab needed. Then booster 2nd jabs. Then every adult jabbed. Then children to be jabbed without parental permission, & now up to 3 jabs for adults and 2 jabs for healthy children.........
If your relaxed enough to take the koolaid, carry on.
I wonder how many 'booster' jabs its going to take for the scales to fall off people's eyes? 5, 10, 15, 20? I can see it now, in 2025 the 10 times vaccinated Guardian reader types fulminating that the only 9 times jabbed 'anti-vaxxers' are the ones causing the 15th wave of covid........
Ignore the mouthfoamers and phoney theorists, keep doing what works. Long after it no longer matters we might understand what Covid was about. Until then keep jabbing.
One useful thing would be to slap Mrs Patel round a bit until she signs a few tens of thousands of work permits for nurses, care workers, doctors and whatever else is needed. Another idea would be to block all outside work for MPs until the country is working satisfactorily. Plainly their ever-so-clever consultancy skills are needed back at the office. Only one difficulty, they have been so useless at the day job for so long they have forgotten what they are there for - apart from money.
I see from the Mail Mrs Patel is going to guarantee 100% to stop the boat migrants. Has she found the holy grail or looked at the weather reports. Funniest person in parliament.
Steve Kirsch , really ? LOL
People would have no problem with MPs doing lucrative second jobs
a) without lobbying
b) If they weren't going to tax the buggery out of the rest of us over the climate.
Dr. Gerd van den bossche
Read his bio here
on how the vaccine program is responsible for driving the virus on.
"Why can’t C-19 vaccine mandates be taken seriously?
Updated: Oct 25
First, there is no evidence that any of the C-19 vaccines proven to be efficacious in a clinical research setting will prevent the virus from successfully exploiting its evolutionary capacity when challenged by widespread immune pressure exerted by the population on the very protein that these vaccines are directed at (i.e., at spike [S] protein). However, population-level immune pressure on S protein is the inevitable consequence of mass vaccination. There isn’t even any precedent to the use of non-replicating viral vaccines in mass vaccination campaigns conducted during a pandemic, or even epidemic, of a highly mutable virus. The challenge to such an undertaking becomes even much higher when more infectious antigenic variants are already predominantly circulating as this has been the case by the time the first mass vaccination campaigns started"
The is the worst thing I have ever witnessed in my life times. The toll on human life is beyond appalling, but the authorities response is to double down and jab, jab, jab...
"Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out
Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things by a lot. Can you guess?"
Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that we seem unable to hold anyone to account. May they all rot in hell, from the Pfeizer board down to all the jab mad politicians who want to trash our freedom.
Interesting that some MPs do extra work to maintain professional registration . Quite acceptable - but of course any payment will be knocked off their MP salary. Or am I off beam.
Anonymous said...
Steve Kirsch , really ? LOL
7:53 am
Shoot the messenger, dear me.
Do you contest that these deaths were as a result of the jab?
Here’s the full list:
33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack after vaccine
19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dead
19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dead
21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dead
29 year old Football player Lee Moses dead
15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester dead
18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dead
13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dead
15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney dead
Junior High School Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman dead
17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas dead
17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo dead
16 year old Football player Devon DuHart dead
16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dead
19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dead
16 year old Football player Drake Geiger dead
15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory dead
19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn dead
17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee dead
29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde dead
27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita dead
24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dead during the week athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies
23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi dead
37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead
25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest
30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead
29 years old José dos Reis collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated
16 years old Diego Ferchaud from suffers cardiac arrest
Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived
16-year-old football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest
27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead
13-year-old soccer player suffers heart attack on field
17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dead
Player from Birati Club Münster suffers cardiac arrest
22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest
19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead.
37 years old Ex-NFL professional Parys Haralson dead
25 years old Canadian university football player Francis Perron dead
19 year old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest
Germany volleyball trainer Traktor Divitz dead
29 years old Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during game
25 years goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dead
18 years old pro footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira has double heart attack
Italy, 27 years old cycling champion Gianni dead
English lineswoman Helen Byrne, heart problems has to be carried off at world cup
17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen dead
Germany Team leader Dietmar Gladow dead
Germany 15 years old goalkeeper Bruno Stein dead
USA, 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapses in a coma
USA, 12 year old Jayson Kidd collapsed during basketball practice and died
Anonymous said...
Steve Kirsch , really ? LOL
7:53 am
VAERS death count. Remember, it is accepted that here AND in the USA, at the very most, 10% of ADRs are reported and recorded
"Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots
VAERS data released today by the CDC included a total of 875,653 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 18,461 deaths and 135,400 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021."
So c180k killed by the vaccine.
If you like, I can post paper after paper from medics and medical associations stating clearly that these jabs are extremely dangerous. Many can be found here
Help yourself and do some reading.
You do know Dr. Gerd van den bossche is a veterinarian ?
He doesn’t want to use the vaccine’s currently in use.
He wants to use his new killer cell vaccine which he is working on.
The world awaits for him to publish, Twitter doesn’t count.
It’s just painful how anti vaxxers like you elby believe this stuff.
Anonymous said...
Steve Kirsch , really ? LOL
7:53 am
So to which news outlets do you go to get the news the Beeb and mainstream media will not print? Such as the ever-rising toll of jab related ADRs? Or the many many medics speaking out on how bad these jabs are, and against coerced medical treatment?
Do tell. Would love to know
jim, rather than recruiting yet more health staff from abroad, shouldn't we not be sacking unvaccinated ones?
My understanding is that if you get the Delta (Indian) variant, a vaxxed person is just as infectious as an unvaxxed one - the only difference is they are less likely to be hospitalised.
"Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts. Host–virus interactions early in infection may shape the entire viral trajectory."
The vaccine still being officially experimental - the authorisation for their use is emergency authorisation. According to the Nuremberg Code, section 1:
"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This
means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent;
should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion"
Sacking unvaccinated staff is a breach of this code.
I've noticed that the covid vaccine is beginning to create a societal division in ways no one would have imagined could happen just two years ago.
People who have a near identical world view are now divided by ones opinion of the vaccine - this division seems to be getting ever more nasty.
Whilst there's always going to be people on both extremes I.e.:
On one side you have people who think the vaccine is "being used as a conduit for the increased absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation within the body and that the vaccinated are walking targets for a mass culling using 5G weapons systems"
On the other you have people getting tattoos of their vaccine status card in their arm and are crying with joy when they are getting invited to have a 3rd jab.
It's easy to focus on the opposite extremes to validate your own viewpoint, or to do an ad-hominem attack by putting everyone who disagrees into the same category as the people with an extreme view, but all that's doing is creating further division (amongst historical allies).
I try and keep a balanced view and feel there are legitimate reason to be cautious of the vaccine.
Some observations that have bought me to the cautions position:
Those in authority that have been talking in absolutes, with absolute authority, such as the likes of Fauci saying things like the vaccine is 100% safe and effective at stopping you catching covid have simply been wrong, so many times, in so many ways (and they have contradicted themselves many times I.e. don't wear masks / absolutely wear masks / no wear 2 masks / vaccinated don't need to wear masks as they can't spread covid / vaccinated should wear masks outdoors / no indoors when walking).
The experts have shown themselves up to be nothing of the kind.
Covid comes and goes in waves, so measuring things like vaccine effectiveness (and effectiveness of NPI's like masks/lockdowns) becomes difficult - what becomes very easy is to cherry pick a time series that gives you a result which reaffirms your viewpoint or bias.
Modelling isn't science, it's fortune telling packaged as, and with the authority of, science.
Modelling has it's place but will only ever be as good as the inputs you give it and assumin you know you're aware of all the unknowns. (How do you falsify Ferguson's predictions? When reality comes in many time better then his modelled best case scenario, he can just turn round and say "vaccines works better than we modelled" whether that's true or not - it's not science.)
Covid vaccines are a different type of vaccine than any previous vaccine. Typical vaccines use dead or modified versions of a virus, your body then attacks the virus - usually at the location of injection - to create immunity.
Covid vaccines use mRNA to trick your body into creating a small part of the spike proteins of the virus, for your body to then attack those proteins it's created to create immunity.
It was assumed this would happen at the site of injection, but there seems to be evidence this is happening in cells all over the body. Some theories suggest this could be the cause of myocarditis - the spike protein is being replicated in heart cells and your body is then attacking and killing heart cells).
Current Covid vaccines at best prevent death and serious injury to those most vulnerable. They aren't a sterilising vaccine, they don't stop you catching and transmitting covid (do they even in the short term? data not clear on this).
Based on the data we have today, there is no reason for vaccinating the young and healthy.
mRNA vaccines have never been used in humans before covid. There is no one who can say there are no long term effects, as we simply don't know. We can predict and give opinion as to why we think there won't be long term side effects, but the data just doesn't exist to prove this yet.
There's a lot vested interests in pushing the covid vaccine - I'm not sure which us more dangerous when under threat, Big Pharma's profit margin or a Politicians Ego. Given so much hope and emphasis has been staked onto the vaccines, no one with the power to do is going to admit it if they don't work as well as promised. Instead we'll just keep doubling down.
Covid is an RNA virus, by it's very nature it's going to mutate quickly and often. (DNA virus don't mutate so much and are much more stable) It's why there is no vaccines for common colds. (And why there's no single flu vaccine, each year is a best guess on what the main strain is for that year).
If the authorities turn round and say the vaccine is not effective on Delta strain then that should have been expected, the more people that are vaccinated the more pressure on the virus to mutate in a way that that avoids the vaccine (especially as the vaccine is only again 3 of the spike proteins)
There are other negative impacts a vaccine can have that can make future infection more likely - the kind of things a proper long term trial should investigate and highlight. But moral panic meant we've bypassed these usual checks and balances,
So you can be covid-vaccine sceptical and cautious without being an anti-vaxxer.
If the dialogues was focused on investigating and answering some of the above, there would probably be less hesitancy. Instead lets just call everyone who's a little sceptical stupid idiots as that approach has always proven to be a winner.
Anonymous said...
You do know Dr. Gerd van den bossche is a veterinarian ?
He doesn’t want to use the vaccine’s currently in use.
He wants to use his new killer cell vaccine which he is working on.
The world awaits for him to publish, Twitter doesn’t count.
It’s just painful how anti vaxxers like you elby believe this stuff.
10:50 am
1. I am not anti-vaxx. Just anti-dangerous vaxx. Indeed, I had the PPV shot a year or so back. It's just a soup of bacterial and neutral adjutants, rather than an experimental therapy that gets your body to manufacture profoundly toxic spike proteins which are harming many and killing more than the total deaths from vaccines in history.
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data today showing a total of 875,653 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 18,461 reports of deaths — an increase of 383 over the previous week, and 135,400 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,943 compared with the previous week.
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 643,957 adverse events, including 8,456 deaths and 53,780 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021."
2. Vet? You sure? Really? Oh dear dear me.
"Geert Vanden Bossche (DVM, PhD)
Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development. Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness. Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech/ Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines."
Seems you need to lookup DVM.
Granted he has a doctorate in virology.
His medical degree however is a vet.
Yes a vet I am sure. Grade 'cum laude'
Maybe look him up on LinkedIn where he lists his medical qualifications as vet. Also lists his job titles and length of service.
Oh dear Oh dear. LOL
Don't worry elby you are amongst friends you can admit you are an anti vaxxer.
Anonymous said...
Seems you need to lookup DVM.
Granted he has a doctorate in virology.
His medical degree however is a vet.
Yes a vet I am sure. Grade 'cum laude'
Maybe look him up on LinkedIn where he lists his medical qualifications as vet. Also lists his job titles and length of service.
Oh dear Oh dear. LOL
Don't worry elby you are amongst friends you can admit you are an anti vaxxer.
2:39 pm
Post a Comment
Can't you read? He's been involved with vaccines at a very high level for years.
Sorry. Can't be bothered with you.
I was perfectly happy (as an oldie) to be jabbed, although I didn't like the side effect (pain when twisting left arm e.g. when reaching behind a kitchen drawer or on the top of high cupboard - still there after 9 months).
"Protect the old and save the NHS" - I could get behind that.
"Let's get all the vulnerable and the over-50s" - I could get behind that.
But now we are jabbing people who won't die of covid - perfectly healthy young adults who accept the risks (like myocarditis) because they want to fly again - and now we're jabbing kids who won't die either - not of covid anyway.
What's next - babies? Foetuses?
Anyone remember a thing called "the precautionary principle"? This vaccine is administered under emergency authorisation - you can't sue Pfizer. From the point of view of a potential death case the vax was a no-brainer - but why should healthy young people need it?
People's faith in this novel treatment is quite touching. People's faith in drug companies is remarkable. People imagining that doctors are not prepared to inflict harm on their patients is absurd. Doctors are just people who have worked hard at uni. Many are not very bright at all. Some are sadists. And most of them will give you insulin and shorten your life in preference to telling you to drop carbohydrates and eat a species appropriate diet. The only doctors I'd visit are orthopaedic surgeons, and only as a last resort/emergency. If it wasn't for antibiotics nobody would pay any attention to doctors at all.
Regardless of whether the vaccination works or not (I think that quite clearly it does) 110,000 NHS staff have refused to take it.
This renders the phrase "Stay at home, save lives, *save the NHS*" rather a silly one.
If they can't be bothered to save it... especially after all we, the public, have done.
"Doctors are just people who have worked hard at uni. Many are not very bright at all."
Not many, to be fair. The academic requirements are crazy just for even getting an interview. My son got rejected for interview because he only had 6 A* grades at GCSE, they wanted 8 A*s. Mostly girls do that, most boys don't put in the work at 15-16. He got A*A*AA at A level.
And if they can't be ordered to take a vaccine (and they shouldn't be) then I can't be ordered around either. Not whom I see, where, when nor what I must put on my face.
Anon at 4.29 Vet College is harder than that even !
Dr Gerd van den Bosshe.
E-K - do you think sacking the NHS refuseniks is a good idea? I think it's insane - and unethical if not criminal. It's not like we have a surplus of such people.
This is an emergency treatment not a tried and trusted one - as such it's pretty good but not something that should be subject to compulsion. Plus, it's not a "sterilising" vaccine like tetanus, polio or smallpox - you can still be infected and infectious though you be double jabbed.
Anon, you seem to be agreeing with me, that entrance to medical school involves hard work through school. Students are not selected for their curiosity about health but rather their ability to memorise facts about drugs. (E-K's kids excepted!) I'm sorry your lad wasn't given a chance. We certainly need more imaginative medics who are prepared to Do No Harm. Too many of them support the cognitive dissonance that a micro pill can effect the entire system yet food makes no impact at all.
Yes I can read. I read his bio, then I did some internet searching. A vet ‘Involved with vaccines’ exactly.
I couldn’t verify his involvement with the Gates Foundation, he’s listed as a senior program officer
Check his LinkedIn
He’s now an independent researcher since Mar 2018. Says it all.
I’ll let you look up his last published article in 2015
You don’t need to be sorry about not bothering with me.
I’m used to anti vaxxers flipping me off when their copy and paste information falters.
I guessed your grasp of statistical analysis was weak when you made the statement
‘ So c180k killed by the vaccine.’
Anonymous @ 4.41
I'm saying that it's the NHS workers' prerogative not to have the vaccine and to remain employed in the NHS.
I use this to reinforce my point that NONE of us should be forced to do ANYTHING regards this pandemic.
And that, when they are allowed to continue (as they almost certainly will be), they can fuck off with their "Stay at home, save lives, save the NHS" bollocks and shove their masks up their arses.
Quite so, Kev, quite so.
Anon at 4.29
My son (a top IB student) applied to four med schools and was only interviewed by one and thankfully they accepted him.
In his time there he has won a scholarship a prestigious excellence award and featured consistently in the top decile of students for exams.
He also happens to be a white boy.
I could accept interviews and subsequent rejection ... but to not even get interviews ???
Then there is the issue that his local university refused him. So that's another student taking up scarce housing in another part of the country that he could have had at his parents and all the travel and extra national carbon footprint that studentship uses up.
One would have thought Unis would be big on keeping students local to their family homes in the interest of climate.
Nah. They're just interested in political correctness and spondoolicks.
PS, I've heard of daughters whose A levels were disappointing still get into med school.
All the girls in my lad's sixth form had multiple offers with lesser predicted grades.
Anonymous said...
Yes I can read. I read his bio, then I did some internet searching. A vet ‘Involved with vaccines’ exactly.
I couldn’t verify his involvement with the Gates Foundation, he’s listed as a senior program officer
Check his LinkedIn
He’s now an independent researcher since Mar 2018. Says it all.
I’ll let you look up his last published article in 2015
Sorry. I really don't get your "point". So he is not practising any more means he now knows nothing? Have you read his papers? Start here maybe? Test at 11
Dear me. Dear, dear me.
PS. I've been vaccinated many times. No problem with the concept. Huge problems with an untested experimental approach that gets the body to poison itself. Lets' have some numbers, shall we, sonny boy? And remember, both VAERS and MHRA state that reporting is maybe 10% of real counts.
Nov 5th 2021
Deaths : 18,461
Hospitilisations : 91,982
Urgent care : 97,715
Doctor visit : 136,784
Anaphylaxis : 7984
Bell's Palsy : 10,981
Miscarriages : 2,887
Heart attacks : 12,131
Permanently disabled : 29,104
Thrombocytopenia/Low platelet : 4,268
Life threatening : 20,644
Sever Allergic Reaction : 33,259
Shingles : 10,289
As noted, the swine flu jab was halted in the UK & US in 2009 after just FIFTY deaths. The above figures indicate carnage, all the more so as there are many medical papers re that are clear that we haven't seen anything like the full after effects of poisoning people with spike proteins.
Here's on on PubMed from way back on the dangers of ADE from Covid vaccines.
"Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to
pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the
SARS virus"
"Conclusions: These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."
I've got lots more, feel free to ask, vax propagandist.
Anonymous said...
Steve Kirsch , really ? LOL
7:53 am
"Since December, 183 professional athletes, coaches and college and youth athletes have collapsed abruptly, and 108 have died. Some of the athletes, such as football stars Sergio Aguero and Christian Eriksen, collapsed in the middle of a game, in front of the spectators. The main cause: Cardiac problems - myo / pericarditis, cardiac arrest and heart attacks. What causes the sudden epidemic?"
Use Google translate. And read the whole article.
You going to trash this report as well? No wonder you are "Anonymous"
From another post regarding ventilation and CV19. Highlights the need for masks / ventilation and not necessarily vaccination.
Key point - More than 1/2 of the people (in Ireland) who died were infected in just 0.03% of buildings
But if you don't know which buildings best get a mask and a vaccination.
I'd rather take my chances with the virus. Everyone I know who has had it has been through the worst in 4 days max, except for a vegan friend who was sick for 10 days (presumably quite zinc deficient). Ages range from 5 to 93. Nobody hospitalised and one "long covid" (60, runs on adrenaline). My A1C is nice and low. Not scared of Covid. Scared of totalitarian "remedies". The only cases I'm personally aware of where there was hospitalisation were "with Covid" deaths, ie they tested positive in hospital but were there for something else. Anyone who hasn't shed their excess weight/laid off the candy bars in the last two years hasn't been paying attention. I have two elderly and quite frail parents who are vaccinated and are not too scared to see me, so all good. Mother has swerved the booster. I don't go out if I have symptoms. A strong metabolism is much greater protection from hospitalisation than the vaccine. And I won't have a flu vaccine either as they are next to useless if you have ever had flu.
That's an interesting link Anon 2.35 Hospitals should be UV lighting the wards regularly too. Aside: When the 1986 Lloyds building opened it stank of rancid fry ups. The air conditioning intake was by a greasy spoon in Leadenhall Market.
Carnivore = Covid Resistant.
That's right E-K! Dr Shawn Baker just kicked Covid's arse. Dr Paul Saladino kicked it too. 24 hrs.
Anonymous said...
From another post regarding ventilation and CV19. Highlights the need for masks / ventilation and not necessarily vaccination.
But if you don't know which buildings best get a mask and a vaccination.
2:35 pm
Masks. Many studies who them to be useless for this task. In theatre there is a purpose, to stop the surgeon dribbling into an open wound, similarly to prevent the surgeon ingesting whatever might burst from a patient's body.
They are a good way however to humiliate people. And for such as I with poor hearing, I can't hear people speaking through a mask. Indeed, shortly after Lockdown #1 I went into our local centre for a PPV shot. After me telling the nurse three times I couldn't hear her, she ripped off her mask. I thanked her.
BTW, 14 previous kosher studies of masks - 11 said useless, 3 said some undefinable benefit. Making kids wear them is GBH.
"The Cato Institute has published its latest working paper, a critical review of the evidence for face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Entitled “Evidence for Community Cloth Face Masking to Limit the Spread of SARS‐CoV‑2: A Critical Review” and written by Ian Liu, Vinay Prasad and Jonathan Darrow, the paper is an admirably thorough and balanced overview of the published evidence on the efficacy of face masks. While even-handedly acknowledging and summarising the studies that show benefit, the authors’ overall conclusion is that: “More than a century after the 1918 influenza pandemic, examination of the efficacy of masks has produced a large volume of mostly low- to moderate-quality evidence that has largely failed to demonstrate their value in most settings.”"
It astonishes me what people will believe without the slightest attempt to do their own research. All the more so given that we are now subject to a constant stream of mendcaity from government and the media. Wise up people.
Several papers have shown that surgical masks don't even reduce wound infections in patients. (The oldest one I've read involved a hospital in Essex in 1981, allowing ample time for further studies.)
There are mask designs that can help but virtually nobody uses them in everyday life.
Ventilation sounds intuitively a good idea - are there decent studies that were published before the pandemic arrived?
By the way, I don't understand why it's held to be a black mark that a virologist first graduated as a vet. Why would it matter whether his first degree was in medicine, vet medicine, zoology, bacteriology, molecular biology ... ? Any of those could be decent preparation for a PhD in virology.
Though, to be fair, experience in Britain is that the students admitted to vet courses tend on average to be better qualified than those admitted to medical courses.
I suspect our blackmarker doesn't understand much much about the world of brainy, technical people.
Lilith - The cure for Covid ?
Vitamin D ? AZ ? Pfizer ? Nope.
It's MEAT.
And for long Covid ?
It's a sausage.
Dearieme - All correct about vets and that it's tougher to become one than med school.
To Anon - I wasn't meaning to show off about my boy but just saying that he got in by the skin of his teeth despite being a top candidate. There is clearly discrimination against white boys, visibly so. The local Uni offered him a course in bio-med without offering him an interview for Med school and he literally told them to shove it. That's when I learned he had some balls too. (I hadn't looked since the last time I changed his nappy.)
I seem to recall that vets had to display knowledge of 3 systems (eg equines, bovines, ovines) whereas human medics only know about humans
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