Tuesday, 25 January 2022

2 Great Examples of Green Bandwagoneering

For a couple of years now I've been writing that decarbonisation is the only game in town - for businesses, banks, NGOs, unions, leftists, world-governmentalists, subsidy-farmers, kleptocrats, con artists, fraudsters, organised crime etc etc.  Trillions upon trillions at stake; ignore or deny the opportunity to advance your cause at your peril.

Here are two nice examples of self-interested bandwagoneering:  

(1) McKinsey   (I won't tell you which category they belong in) 

McKinsey, which advises many governments and large companies ... warns that the economic transformation will affect every country and every sector ... It estimates that $9.2tn will need to be invested every year for decades

(2) the Race Relations industry, as it used to be known.  (Being old fashioned I don't quite know how they like to be called these days.) 

... a reflection of the racist attitudes built into our political and economic systems ... climate justice is intertwined with other struggles against state hostility and negligence ... If we can’t even talk about racism and the part it has played in climate breakdown, then how do we get better? How do we break down the systems that got us here?

Grand entertainment.



Matt said...

Elise Yarde is the usual communist crank. Her piece in the Graudian is a hodge podge of gripes about the modern world. I imagine she has no other production use of her time.

As for McKinsey, anyone who takes the slightest interest in what they have to say is an idiot. The fact that companies pay for their advice just goes to show that wasting money isn't exclusively a skill of the public sector.

Charlie said...

I can't even begin to see a link between climate and race. Am I missing something obvious here or is it just because I'm inherently a big racist?

Elby the Beserk said...

Charlie said...
I can't even begin to see a link between climate and race. Am I missing something obvious here or is it just because I'm inherently a big racist?

11:45 am

You're a "climate racist". Worse than either alone ;-)

Grandpa - what did you do when the world went mad?

Clem said...

In relation to the race baiter's, do they genuinely believe this stuff or are they just taking grifting to the next level?

andrew said...

In a way there is a link.

Climate change hits poor people and people who live in non temperate zones (hot places) and on low lying land (by the sea or flood planes) disproportionately.

A disproportionally large proportion of those affected people are erm not ethnically swedish.

Just pointing out the correlation. No comment on its meaning at all.

Jan said...

I'm glad I don't pay any tax so do not contribute to any of this drivel from the race relations industry which is obviously all state subsidised.

As for McKinsey, do they do anything useful these days?

Anonymous said...

OT but how long can Boris withstand the constant drip of stories which show him to be economical with the truth?


"How Carrie convinced Boris Johnson to help animal charity boss flee Kabul: Emails and personal evidence that undermined PM's claim that it was 'nonsense' he has personally intervened to assist Pen Farthing on behalf of his wife"

It's odd that Boris has been a bounder to some very lovely women (and a few not so lovely) but that Carrie, presentable but no model, seems to have his testes in her handbag.

andrew said...

The first time he lost his job for lying was about age 24.
I suspect lying has been a key tool in his box all his life.
A lot of his journalism has not been to attached to the truth. Indeed the last complaint made against him got nowhere because the article was an 'opinion'.

Nick Drew said...

Jan - As for McKinsey, do they do anything useful these days?

they produce very serviceable door-stops: I can't tell you the number of times I've been into offices where the hapless management have had a massive McK report foisted on them by their gullible Board, and it's standing around gathering dust

a testament to / shocking indictment of (a) the power of a brand; (b) the feeble-mindedness and lack of confidence found among directors of big companies

dearieme said...

"decarbonisation is the only game in town"

For a stretch of the 19th century railways were "the only game in town". I gather that a lot of investors did rather badly out of them.


lilith said...

Is there more money to be made? Don't tell Dale Vince.....

Nick Drew said...

For a stretch of the 19th century railways were "the only game in town". I gather that a lot of investors did rather badly out of them.

Well yes, dearieme, but look what the rest of us got. One of the strongest dynamics of the human economy is sucker-investors laying down actually money, and the Law of Sunk Costs leaving the rest of us the beneficiaries

the key is (a) not to be a sucker yourself; (b) not to permit governments to be suckers on your behalf, with your money; (c) to recognise the maxim: sometimes there is such a thing as a free lunch, so Eat Up!

Sadly, (b) is quite difficult

dearieem said...

@Nick: so your advice is not to invest in the green hooey but to profit somehow from the mugs who do invest? Fair enough.

I did laugh at this:

Elby the Beserk said...

dearieem said...
@Nick: so your advice is not to invest in the green hooey but to profit somehow from the mugs who do invest? Fair enough.

I did laugh at this:
9:26 am

And I laughed at this stupid dweeb, trying "to do the right thing", bless her...


"CalCoastNews.com here reports on how “former San Luis Obispo mayor and climate change activist Heidi Harmon attempted to ‘do the right thing,’ and travel to a rally in San Francisco in an electric car.”"

Anonymous said...

What none? No VAT, rates, fuel duty?