Rather late in in the day I have at last visited the extraordinary, innovative Hockney display in the Lightroom (London).
Hockney is an outright genius, on a par with Picasso, and more industrious (yes!), constructive and philosophical to boot. Nobody has thought harder, and experimented harder, with the art of the visual space and indeed the visual space itself than he, deploying remarkable insight & vision (in every sense) alongside technology, the latter brilliantly displayed here - to vastly greater effect than his RA show a few years ago, or a couple of TV programmes of around the same time.Sorry not to have been in a position to recommend it sooner; because it only runs until 3 Dec, and tickets for some slots are sold out. So time is dreadfully short. Still, if you can ...
I love his colours, they are full of the love of life.
an accurate measure of the man, I'd say
Agreed. I loved the exhibition I went to.
I know nothing about art, but I know what I like.
Some of Hockney does appeal, but I do have a down on chaps who wear hats indoors. And chaps who wear flat caps for effect rather than practicality.
... and glasses at the same time, especially broad framed glasses.
I hate doing it and it feels like a bit like I'm hiding.
Horribly OT, but I see this new Argie chap who thinks cosying up to the US (as Agentina has more or less done since WW1) is the way forward is already making noises about the Falklands.
The thought occurs that apart from having built a proper airfield there, we are just about weaker in every dimension than we were in 1981. And our small armed forces are stretched very thin, our Navy could just about fill Peasholm Park paddling pool. Is our other carrier fixed yet? (although I have a nasty feeling missile swarms are going to send the carrier the way of the dreadnaught and the three-decker)
otoh given that our politicians are totally incapable or wholly owned, and cannot defend our shores against alien invasion, perhaps we should scrap our armed forces altogether, or donate them to the Septics?
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