Friday, 27 September 2024

"Best prepared new govt ever" - what? UPDATED

So the story goes, that the Liz Truss meltdown at the back end of 2022 convinced the world and his dog that Labour was nailed on to be the next government.  At this point, the money and consultancy-resources started pouring in, the media suspended their critical faculties, foreign governments started paying attention to David Lammy, Sue Grey was hired to ensure the would-be ministers were knocked into shape, etc etc[1].  

In short, this was to be the best prepared, most seriously focussed incoming government in living memory.  No more Johnsons, no more Trusses - the grown-ups are in town, taking names and kicking butt!

Well.  In announcement after announcement it transpires they've been winging it all along, and continue to do so.  Just a tiny sample of nonsenses.  Energy: we're obviously covering this one in detail as it unravels, but suffice to note here that in the past few days there's been loose talk from the new energy policy establishment suggesting that when he walked into his new office Miliband had no serious plan whatever to achieve his fatuous 100%-decarb-by-2030 goal, not even a figleaf or some blotchy notes on a napkin: he's now commissioned work to establish whether it's feasible at all[2].

Housing:  any fool could have told Rayner that the Grenfell Inquiry would inevitably result in urgent works to remove and replace cladding up and down the land, absorbing a material chunk of the building industry's available pool of labour.  OK, Yvette Cooper will be told to issue a million more work visas, but it still means Labour's housing targets are as empty as their energy plans.

Taxwe read today that plans to tighten up on non-doms might raise either nothing at all, or maybe even less than nothing, because walking away is such an easy option for the people in question  -gangway for Mrs Sunak there!  (Is this the most pronounced Laffer Curve known to man?)  But, oh dear, Reeves needed £1bn from non-doms for, err, something worthy!    

You can no doubt chip in with your favourite examples of industrial-scale non-preparedness in terms of detailed policy.  And as for the ethos of casual money-grubbing self-enrichment ...

And then there's Sue Grey herself.  Exactly where is her genius for political management and administrative competence?  Can anyone point to a single manifestation?  The best anyone seems to have on offer - and these are Starmer-directed Cabinet stooges talking off the record in vain attempts to stem the tide of sewage coursing down Whitehall - is that she's really quite a good listener, and if they butter her up nicely they might get some airtime with Starmer just once in a while.

Someone will always say:  Thatcher looked pretty stupid in her early months.  I disagree.  She certainly suffered from Cabinet dissent - not something that Starmer seems likely to replicate - because she'd picked such a 'balanced' team, including some of the most independent-minded, initiative-replete heavyweights that UK politics has produced.  Well, dissent can certainly be a drag.  But she was a master of detail, knew her mind, and had the drive to bring everything with her.  (She also had some genuine capital-P Political strategists on the team: Morgan McSweeney is just a superior student politician of the Jack Straw / George Osborne variety.)  

Very late in the day, Starmer was fed the line that awkward decisions can be dodged if you simply Go For Growth, and that's about all he's got.  A slogan.  Oh, and it's his self-proclaimed responsibility to stop the embarrassing leaks.  Too late, mate, the media have un-suspended their critical faculties and scent blood - lots of it.

Where does improvement in this government's performance come from?  It's not obvious, is it?  


UPDATE:  a BTL Anon has just reminded me of something.  Before the election someone, probably Guido, wrote that Labour high command had been tipped off that a Serious Personal Scandal (within their camp) was circulating in the meejah, and would probably be disclosed during the election campaign; and that they had hatched a strategy for dealing with it.  Then everything fell silent.

If we want to go Conspiracy on this, it's not difficult.  The thing about nuclear weapons is: nobody ever really reckons The Moment has arrived to deploy them - there will always be an even rainier day when you'll need it even more.  The Tories had obviously given up the ghost already - why waste a thermo-nuclear device when there's no hope anyway?  Plus, what has Labour got on, errr, any of us?  Better hold back this time.  That would explain the silence ... but some of those Angry Spads would know ...

Or, there isn't a scintilla of truth in it!


[1] One can point to several other amusing symptoms, my favourite being the odious Dale Vince who switched from being a financier of the revolting green yoof, to becoming a highly partisan Labour activist, to the point of very ostentatiously attacking the Green Party in seats where they looked like (and indeed were) a serious threat to Labour.    

[2] I can save him the bother, and my fees are modest compared to those of PWC.  The answer is 'Nope'.


Sobers said...

We have reached peak 'reality is what I say it is' politics. The current incumbents have it as an automatic assumption that they only have to say things (ie get a nice soundbite onto social media) for them to be real. Reality is for the wreckers. So declaring Net Zero by 2030 means that will just happen. Building 1.5m houses in the next 5 years ditto. Rinse and repeat. Policy and inconvenient facts are not what the Serious People™ do darling.

Anonymous said...

We are no where peak reality. Judging by the number of leaks from accredited reptiles that have come out of the blue in regard to 2TierFreeGearKier, from his evident predilection for freebies (clothing & accommodation which have been disclosed as far, no doubt further disclosures will emerge), his wish to draw a blind over his marital arrangements, & one is somehow reminded of another beleaguered Labour PM, one Callaghan, J (He of the Crisis, what Crisis).............

Safe pair of Hands ?

One would be charitable to say he will hang on as PM until Christmas. Which would leave the country safe within the temporarily crossed legs of teh Ginger Growler

Nick Drew said...

Anon - you have just reminded me of something and I hasten to insert an update

Elby the Beserk said...

Dale Vince now funding a company planning to sub meat meals at schools with Vegan filth.

Even the WHO say that meat is essential for the physical and cognitive development of children...

"The Importance of Meat for Cognitive Development
Over 200 million children worldwide suffer from malnutrition and, as a result, are underdeveloped both physically and mentally. Meat has more bioavailable essential micronutrients than plants and is the best source of nutrient-rich foods for children aged 6 to 23 mo, according to the World Health Organization. By consuming meat, which contributes essential bioavailable micronutrients to diets, children in particular can reduce undernutrition and the associated growth and cognitive impairment. This review aims to elucidate the effect of meat consumption on cognitive development by systematically reviewing and synthesizing results from available studies"

Elby the Beserk said...

Nor are they alone...

"Meat supplementation improves growth, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes in Kenyan children"

Elby the Beserk said...

Sobers, one and all - for some time I have been following a wonderful Substack. by one Eugyppius, who is documenting the collapse of German politics. Not only is his English prose better than most natives, he is very very funny.

Today's article on the New Nazis, AfD, taking over in the old East

He's well worth subscribing to

Elby the Beserk said...

Friends tell us that Victoria Starmer is now known as Victoria Sponge.


We may be going to hell in a bucket, but by God we'll enjoy the ride.

Elby the Beserk said...

Meanwhile, Mad Ed...

"Department of Energy Insecurity and Net Zero Intelligence Has Repealed The Laws of Physics"

jim said...

I too am disappointed by Starmer - but happy is the the chap who expects little. No one needs £3000 specs - £150 from Boots are perfectly nice. Some sympathy with spending on togs, can hardly go to Washington in Oxfam rags, but calling them 'office expenses' is almost Johnsonian. Cut it out Kier.

They look fools on energy because the equations don't add up. Edict, nothing gets put forward unless you have a plan and the sums to back it up. Net Zero is a wonderful notion but AFAICS the numbers don't add up for the population we have. There is no politically pleasant way out of finding energy but Miliband dare not admit it and neither will Whitehall.

Recent Dagenham fire is bad news, but points the way to encouraging building owners to get on with the the job of fixing the cladding scandal - before it is fixed for them.

Thatcher was useful for the first three or four years. She bit the coal mine bullet (with Marshall's help) and got inflation down (remember 25%). Flogging council houses made sense if it got rid of tatty old stock and funded a new supply for sale round about 2040. But she just took the cash and never was able to come up with a feasible industrial plan. Useful for a few years but lost the plot.

More amusingly over at fromarsetoelbow.blogspot the question of whether Starmer is a Widmerpool character (a shite) or a Rastignac (poor genius) is discussed. Or a more stuffy version of John Major. Will there be an Edwina character to liven up the Sundays?

Anonymous said...

@ Will there be an Edwina character.?.

Got to be something. Using that Soho pad all the time, as he obviously does (did) doesn't speak to marital bliss.

Elby the Beserk said...

I too am disappointed by Starmer -"

Beats me how anyone who has watched the man over years could possibly have expected anything other than the major FU the man is as PM. He's no more than a Politburo apparatchik thrust into power. And loving it.

This - there was us thinking the purpose of the state was to serve us...

And Thatcher sorted out the unions - and now we'll be back to the 1970s with endless strikes.

What we are witnessing is EXACTLY what I - and Lils - expected of Starmer. And it will get far far worse.

Nick Drew said...

Jim - can hardly go to Washington in Oxfam rags

I'd like to hear more from David Lammy, who offered that argument in defence of both Starmer and Mrs S: "they need to be smart to represent all of us on the world stage". So, Mr Foreign Secretary, do you - possibly even more frequently ... hmm? And who pays for yours ..?

Personally, as someone who's done successful business in Russia where they really size you up and down on the basis of your clothing (a hangover from Soviet days when almost nobody had any money per se, & turn-out was the great signifier of 'class') - I was never wearing a suit that cost more than £250.

Wankers, all.
Elby - just love Victoria Sponge! We're lacking a really vicious moniker for Kier lui-même. "Two-tier" is OK-ish. "Free gear" ditto. But they don't have the killer touch. Who remembers "Blair = Bambi" anymore? But Tony B.Liar hit home.

dearieme said...

Yep, I started following Huge Impious during Covid and find him consistently insightful and entertaining. So no doubt he'll end up in the clink.

dearieme said...

I quite liked "Starmer, Starmer, Granny Harmer"
but it is a bit blancmange. Like the chap himself.

dearieme said...

On blogs one could, could one not, just rewrite song lyrics about him.

All of me
Why not clothe all of me
Can't you see
I'm naked without you

Clothe my hips
I want to shake them
Clothe my wife
So she can fake them

Your fine gift left me with eyes that cry
How can I go on, pal, without you
You played a part that appealed to my heart
So why not clothe all of me

electro-kevin said...

Please read The Plot by Nadine Dorries. It explains why the Tory Party has been the most malign force working against Britain since Blair. Truss was a victim of the Gove-ists (for want of a better name for them.) Boris too. Sunak was their puppet, Badinoch another stooge. Movement was the Tory's Momentum. A truly malign group of men connected to globalist billionaires and doing their work for them.

The British voter never really had a chance.

Elby the Beserk said...

Problem with Dorries - she says women can have penises. Gather she has a tranny brother. Anyone who thinks like that needs straightjacketing.

electro-kevin said...

Sir Kier Royal.

electro-kevin said...

Yes. That is a big problem.

electro-kevin said...

Victoria Sponge and Sir Kier Royal(e) ???

Elby the Beserk said...

Ayatollah Starmer ©

electro-kevin said...


electro-kevin said...

A sausage to fortune.

electro-kevin said...

I've long sensed that what Dorries talks about in her book is true. Sunak was a plant. Unelected. There to subvert democracy and he was told to crash and burn the Tory party by invisible actors. Kemi is the next plant. The last thing they are interested in is Britain and British democracy.

electro-kevin said...


Anonymous said...

I think a moment's silence today as they close the last blast furnace at Port Talbot, and they also close the last coal fired power station at Ratcliffe-on-Soar.

Caeser Hēméra said...

Kier Ten Hag?

Relative recent move to the big leagues
Managing a team with a couple of exceptional eras, but fairly middling otherwise
Always someone else's fault
Insists he has a plan, despite all evidence
Insists everyone is one the same page, again, despite all evidence
Good for a cup run, but not getting you consistently top of the league
Last successful manager never far away as an ever-present reminder, and whose team members always ready to make a soundbite
Never more than two games away from a crisis

Elby the Beserk said...

Caesar - very good. Having been disappointed (tho' it's a good point in reality) with our draw in Newcastle (disclaimer. Not a City glory hunter, watched first game on the Kippax in 1966, so have seen deep downs as well as ups), I settled down on a filthy afternoon here to watch the United game, to cheer me up. And cheer me up it did! The man is clueless, there are no signs of them being a team, they are spineless, metaphorically and in football terms, and why they kept him on beats me! Lucky not to lose 5 or 6-0

dearieme said...

I wish to register a complaint. It's nearly 2 p.m. and there doesn't seem to have been a new Labour bungs scandal today.