Monday, 30 July 2007

Poll results; Emigrate

I would like to thank my (international )readers for voting in the poll this week.

The question was, is it time to emigrate from Britain?

There results were as follows:

14 (58%)
6 (25%)
Over the cliffs of Dover..
2 (8%)
Don't know
2 (8%)

Fairly overwhelming vote to go abroad. Given the floods, Gordon Brown as Prime Minister and Tory collapse int he polls I can't say I am shocked!

Which is fine, except I don't like hot weather all year round, I hate paying high taxes and I only speak English and Spanish; so where would me and the family (Wife, son, dog and new arrival in 3 weeks) emigrate to?


Jeremy Jacobs said...

It's to not too!


1. Israel.

2. Sao Tome y Principe.

3. Cape Verde Islands.

4. Uruguay

Anonymous said...


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Good question, C/u. I'd suggest here as you'd learn the language pretty quickly as you have Spanish, but you'd hate the heat! I think you'd also object to the "hidden taxes" - ie, commission on every single transaction here.

CityUnslicker said...

JJ - ahem, I stand corrected.

Israel - it is hot there,

Sao... need a map.

3 - Very deserted though, what would I do to make money?

4. Uruguay, the best of the lot. I should try a recce.

CityUnslicker said...

Mut - i don't speak Gibberish except on this blog.

CityUnslicker said...

W/C - I loved my trip to Catania and Taormina. Would love to come back, sadly my Italian is non-existent.

Anonymous said...

Make your way to Buenos Aires. You won't regret it.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

40 degrees in Tel - Aviv at the moment. But it does rock!

Lord Nazh said...

The US :)

CityUnslicker said...

raveheart - I have always fancied a trip to South day maybe..

CityUnslicker said...

JJ - Israel is jst too hot in many ways.

CityUnslicker said...

Lord N - I have lived in the US before, in South Central LA. funnily enough I did not enjoy it that much.

It would be great to live in New England though; a geat place.

Anonymous said...

Canada! Loads of space, great people.

Pity about the taxes though.

S said...

Scotland? Isn't really british anymore

Old BE said...

Argentina or Chile. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

They speak English in Gib. Or Spanish..

Crushed said...

Cayman Islands? India? Anchorage?

Or, if you want to feel at home, Ireland still has much england has lost.

Newmania said...

I`ve just read George Waldens time to emigrate . He really an unpleasant old git , I don`t do this if it can`t be my way I`m off thing . Lets facec it most people emigrate not on doctrinal grounds but to cash in their house.

That is changing actually and worryingly

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with ed and Raveheart. Peru is good too and has far the best food in South America.

Peter S.

Tuscan Tony said...

1. Northern Tuscany
2. SE France
3. Finland (as a sorbet, to cleanse the palate
4. Azores
5. Chile

Old BE said...

Peru has the best food if you like guinea pigs!!

I thought the Argies had the best food but then I am a steak and wine person..!

I didn't include Peru in my list because CU said he wanted to make good money and as Peru is a less developed country than the other two...

Anonymous said...

Come, come ed there's much more to Peruvian food than just guinea pigs (nothing wrong with them though, especially with that spicy sticky sauce they make up in Andahuaylas). It is a less developed country than those you mention, of course, but it's also very cheap to live here - you can save without much effort.

Peter S.

Lord Nazh said...

You may want to find a place in the US that is not that urban.

Try the south (in the mountains where its not 100 degrees all the time) or midwest amongst the fields.

There are millions of different places to live in the US and each has a good and bad side (even the urban ones)

CityUnslicker said...

Ken - Canada, hmm maybe Vancouver

James - Scotland, never been and never going as a result of several long-term bets!

Mut - Gib is ok, not sure for the rest of the family thouhg. great for taxes and work.

CityUnslicker said...

Crushed - which would you pick out of those?

CityUnslicker said...

N - I think you are right, people are starting to leave for ideological reasons. This is not that surprising when our governemtn insists on raising so much tax in order to bully us with officialdom.

CityUnslicker said...

Anon - OK, I get the message, one day I will go there. will have to try to swig a work trip sometime.

TT - Chiantishire sure sounds nice, but Italy is a very complex place to try and work in my (limited) experience of business trips.

CityUnslicker said...

Ed/Anon - my vegetrian wife woul be appalled just at this conversation. Is there good skiing in Peru?

CityUnslicker said...

Lord N - I am a 'near urban' dweller ideally though. My friend lives in Lawrence, kansas, where i have been a couple of times. beautiful place but not for me. I love the East Coast though in general.

Anonymous said...

Excellent skiing in Peru - Huaraz is the town to go to; climbing, trekking and other adventure sports too. Good beaches and surfing in the north, wine and pisco brandy in the south - just don't mention the guinea pigs!

Peter S.

Old BE said...

Viva el Peru!

I loved it there. Only spent a month or so but felt that I'd lived there all my life.

If I was going to move somewhere non-rich though it would be Thailand or Guatemala. Thailand of course may be richer than England in a few decades time.

hatfield girl said...

Don't; you love living in London everyone does.

If you want to try it out elsewhere, get seconded (or whatever the word is) to Germany. There is a culture that rewards every effort to get to grips with it, and we have much in common at trivial but makes-life-easy cultural levels with the Germans. Berlin has all the oomph of London too.

Italy is amazing but too hard and with too little international reward for the family, which has a European future.
All Germans speak beautiful English which helps till you get to grips (as do all younger Italians, but they don't bother, whereas Germans do) and the schooling is utopian.

Anonymous said...

"Berlin has all the oomph of London too": bah, Berlin is a one horse dorp. If you like skiing in the winter and sailing in the summer, Christchurch in NZ is a lovely spot.

CityUnslicker said...

Anon-Ed - Well Peru certinaly sounds interesting. I will give it a look.

HG - It was everyone else who told me to emigrate, not me!

CityUnslicker said...

Dearime - Well I would love to see NZ one day. Few people seem to have anything bad to say about the place.

Anonymous said...

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