Friday, 28 December 2007

One for the commentors.

This is the first full year of blogging at this place and also the year in which Mr. Drew became a not-to-be missed presence.

When I started blogging, it was not to do more than become more than a mirco-publisher, as work and family would always play too much of a role to allow more serious blogging efforts.

However, as time has gone on and the blog has remained I am humbled by the regulars who add so much to the place. Many of my shorts are indeed done in a few spare minutes, yet the quality debate they often create is very good indeed.

So I wanted at the end of the year to say thanks to all of you who read and especially to those who comment. I have come up with a list of those who usually to the best:

Dearime - A fine commenter and, if there was such a thing, a professional. A man with a clear sense of economics and business and sharp sense of what is bullshit and what is not.

'Anon' - There are lots of anon's, but there is one who comments here a lot who clearly knows a lot about a lot. See the comments' to the post of earlier today for good examples. Anon has been know to get very excited about housing and social policy from time to time. maybe 2008 will see this person revealed to us all.

Ed - Mr Clarke, who I recently had the pleasure of meeting at our drinks of a couple of weeks ago, is a true gent. He is on the both merry and jovial , but beneath his exterior lies a fine brain and witty raconteur. Shame is is a lawyer, but I guess you can't have everything.

There is of course a much longer list to add to this of people who can't go unmentioned, Steven-L, such devotee of time and well-thought prose, Mark Wadsworth, never short of a viperish comment for Badger, Ken from Glocs, Matt Ferries, Ellee Seymour and many more.

Thanks to you all and I wish you all the best for 2008 and hope to see you back here then.


Jeremy Jacobs said...

See you soon.

Anonymous said...

'Anon' - There are lots of anon's, but there is one who comments here a lot who clearly knows a lot about a lot. See the comments' to the post of earlier today for good examples. Anon has been know to get very excited about housing and social policy from time to time.

Lol...I think you know fine well who I am, bit I won't make myself known again until and unless I have much more time.

Pleasure visiting on a regular basis though.

Old BE said...

Thanks - I think! I'm not a proper lawyer.....

Newmania said...

He is on the both merry and jovial , but beneath his exterior lies a fine brain and witty raconteur.

Yes he did hide that exceedingly well didn`t he.....:)Good luck for next year CU

Anonymous said...

Fame at last! Last time I was famous I was on the Front Page of the News Of The World over thirty years ago!

Great blog, keep up the good work.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Thanks for the mention!

Ellee Seymour said...

Happy New Year too, I recognise the huge potential of your finely tuned financial blog, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

V generous of you. Anyway, have a happy New Year.

(Thinks: you style yourself "CU" - that couldn't be an amusing admission of being a Glaswegian, could it?)

CityUnslicker said...

surrey born and bred, Dearime.

Can't speak for Mr Drew though!

CityUnslicker said...

surrey born and bred, Dearime.

Can't speak for Mr Drew though!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing AND making it free. I wonder how long it will be before the JPMorgan IT people decide to block me from visiting your site :D

Happy New year to you and your family and I look forward to reading you in 2008.


Anonymous said...

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