Thursday 27 August 2009

This Way for the Gas !

Having posted a cheeky item on Gazprom two weeks ago, it was off to Russsia for the Drews, including a visit to a little place near St Petersburg where the new Nordstream pipeline will enter the Baltic on its westward mission to feed Europe's gas habit.

Couldn't find it at first, but then I spotted the signpost.

Gives you a reassuring feeling, doesn't it ?

Unhappily I was just a
little too early to join in the 75th birthday celebrations for Rem Vyakhirev, the cheery old apparatchik who was running Gazprom when I was in Moscow in the '90s. For most Russians the big celebration is at 60, before the booze catches up with them. I have shared a few *ahem* toasts with Rem Ivanovich and the lads in my time and congratulations are in order on his reaching this landmark !



James Higham said...

it was off to Russsia for the Drews, including a visit to a little place near St Petersburg

Hardly Russia, Nick. Was it raining?

Steven_L said...

By golly Nick, you get around. Beer's with the bloggers under Tower Bridge, followed by vodka with Russian oligarchs.

Always had a strange hankering to go to Russia, and play a game of chess in that sqaure in Moscow where they all play chess, but it's not top of the list.

Driving to Lithuania and getting drunk one summer kind of appeals to me too if I'm ever headed in that direction.