Thursday, 10 December 2009

What PBR? It was only politics...

Yes, yesterday we had the Pre-Budget report, today it is forgotten already. Why?
Well the Tories say they will reverse the main NI tax rise, the markets have shrugged off any thoughts about it and carry on, guided by other news. Even the bankers have little to worry about as all they have to do it sit on payments until mid-April instead if January.

None of the really long-term proposals will ever get enacted as the Government won't win the next election (outright) anyway.

So this will all be forgotten very quickly.

However the point about bankers bonus's could be a very clever political calculation. Labour know they have managed to blame bankers and not Brown's recklessness for the recession - when of course it was both. Now they have set-up a situation where there are big easy loopholes for the Banks to get out of the 'supertax' bind. I think the Government hopes the banks jump through the loopholes, just in time for an election where the Government can then attack the bankers and initiate a class-war type struggle, accusing the Tories of all being bankers' and such like. It reeks of Alistair Campbell plotting....


Barry Sheridan said...

More to the point it reeks of those in power having complete contempt for the nation and its population. All part of the abrogation of responsibility that has rotted the nation,

Anonymous said...

Its a pile of complete nonsense from beginning to end. It all makes me sick..

Steven_L said...

I haven't even bothered reading the PBR. I'm spending all my spare time reading about this new cow-fart market.

In fact I'm thinking should I need to make a career change I'll become a cow-fart salesman, that's where the money's going to be.

I'll set up a little sales company, get some green clothing and some nice laminate pictures of smiling African children enjoying their solar cookers and go door to door selling cow-farts.

Petra said...

I wouldn't be so sure the Tories will reverse these appalling and short-sighted policies. It's already quite clear they will keep the (economically suicidal) 50% income tax; they agree with the additional bonus tax; they seem to support the insane pledges for billions to be thrown at the global warming 'problem'.

I don't see any promise to slash the healthcare budget either (although plenty of savings could be found in the overbloated, bureaucratic, inefficient NHS), schools and 3rd world aid spending will also be safe, etc etc. Where exactly are the conservative policies? Or indeed, leadership, courage and common sense? The last thing the country needs is another Labour-style party in power.