Friday, 5 February 2010

What did QE do?

It seems that the support for asset prices thesis was about right, that is quite a drop in the FTSE. The AIM and FTSE 205 is even worse and these track more closely the UK economy:

AIM taking it hard today,
FTSE250 above-  a reflection on the real UK economy this year...


Steven_L said...

I'm holding onto my Barclays (bought at 276p), I reckon I'm onto a winner in the long run.

The US markets and EU markets are down too. Someone is worried about something - soveriegn default?

Old BE said...

I agree with SL in that the end of QE is not the only item of financial news today. Portugal and Greece are on the verge of default, the Euro will be blown apart if that happens, the consequences for the rest of Europe and even the wider world economy will be large.

CityUnslicker said...

I know there are other issues of course - but the trend is there. My big tip is that if the BOE goes back to QE, as i feel it will at some stage this year, then you will see the opposite trend too!

Joanna Cake said...

So does this mean that we should expect property prices to fall again?

Anonymous said...

this seems to have hammered your AIM portfolio...! has your strategy changed because of this or just going to ride it out?