Friday, 23 April 2010

Labour is Beaten - A Big Straw In The Wind

On Tuesday I wrote (chez Idle)

"My observation from the front ... Labour is beaten, morale gone"

If you want another calibration of this, pop over to CiF, where the Grauniad is canvassing as to which party it should support. Now CiF harbours no end of NuLab trolls - several probably on Mandy's payroll - as well as the usual sandal-wearing beardies, polytechnic lecturers and social workers.

But they come out 95% for Clegg. I don't see Telegraph readers (or Mail readers ?) deserting Cameron on quite that scale - do you ?



Old BE said...

I would love Labour to be beaten into third place!

CityUnslicker said...

BE on vote share I think this is a done deal now.

roym said...

and yet they will still end up with 150 odd seats.

Bill Quango MP said...

Well all those socially responsible vegetarian,green tree planting,offshore wind promoting,sackcloth shopping bag, organic rice eating, BBC four watching,home bread baking,Human Rights focusing,morally aware, Herbal tea drinking, united States hating, CND supporting,secretly privately educating,second home in Tuscany owning, home made wine drinking, ban the tumledryer supporting, European integration supporting,anti-globalisation campaigning {except for those wonderful cheeses} Ocado home delivery using, would never work for a bank! but insurance companies, well they aren't like banks are they? make your own greeting cards, Boden shopping, Lakeland loving, lecturing, smoking banning {but not marijuana,obviously} switching off the standby, Greek yoghurt consuming, affordable homes agreeing {as long as it doesn't affect houseprice rises}, Tony Blair dissapointed, St George's day should be outlawed thinking, have BUPA, but only because work insists on it!
Ipad-ing, Twittering,Social networking, ISA maxing, tax planning, accountant seeking but 'fair' tax supporting, Guardian reading, Labour have let us down, know betters have always longed for true European style Social Democracy.

Let them have their hope.

hatfield girl said...

Um, Mr Q, for some of those trespasses Angels need forgiving.

Budgie said...

Bill Q - love the list. These (the older ones at least) are yesteryear's students who climbed out of Daddy's Jaguar at their University waving their chic Che posters. They made me sick then.

Nick Drew said...

wonder what they think about nuclear power .. ?

Andrew B said...

It is likely that whilst Lab have the smallest vote, they may well have the second largest number of seats.
They may even try to form the next govt.
This is indefensible and PR here we come.

One would hope that this has the same sort of impact as suffrage in widening the democratic mandate.

It is quite likely that the next election will be largely decided by voters over the age of 55 - as they are the ones who vote en masse.

To bring things back on topic, doesn't Germany, a rather successful economy have PR?

Bill Quango MP said...

Sorry ...Been helping out a fellow MP against a strong lib dem. Too much campaigning in the yellow, zone. One hates to be lectured on one's record when one hasn't been in power for 13 years. I apologise unreservedly.

{And I missed out Prius polishing...}

CityUnslicker said...

Andrew B - See current actions by the german free democrats for a great example of how a small party call the shots in a PR system. it does the opposite of what you want, i.e. lets the more extreme people make the decisions whilst crwoding out the moderates.

germany has not had PR all that long - national decline seems to take about 13 years to really set in....

Anonymous said...

CU says national decline seems to take about 13 years to really set in....

Yes, we've noticed that.