The blasts from a well-remembered past were enjoyable: little green giant's granny's not as green as I'm cabbage looking; and Budgie's Heinz Kiosk reference. Pogo's proposal was right on the money as regards macro-economic analysis, if lacking somewhat in, errr, the green slogan department.
Yes, overall a bumper crop, well done everyone - but not everyone shall have prizes, this is Capitalism, right ? So, without further ado - First prize: winner gets to nominate a feed-in tariff for a power-generating technology of his/her own devising. (Remember how FITs work: the dafter the idea, the bigger the subsidy.) Second prize: a year's subscription to C@W. Third prize: a lifetime's subscription ...
And in 3rd place: Anon @7:18 with The winds of change will generate electricity that is too cheap to measure! This is so close to DECC's actual claims for the benefits of decarbonisation, I am left wondering whether Anon isn't Crapper Huhne himself.
In 2nd: Steven L with Bigger lecy bills, or the Polar Bear get's it! Steven - if only your punctuation had been as good as your instinct for populist prose. But get's isn't a word. Sorry.
And the winner ...
it has green and blue appeal; it ticks all Cameron's boxes (are we allowed to say that? - Ed); it is forward-looking; it is instantly memorable; it perfectly conveys the essence of policy-making by the greenest government ever; it ...
... is Alan with The Big Green Society 2050, work for free & hug a tree. [/ tumult]
Alan, you should be a regular at Mr Quango's weekly QT compo, you will quickly rise in the rankings! We look forward to a highly creative FIT, when you've invented the perpetual motion machine.
Thanks - First time I've won a compo.
We look forward to a highly creative FIT, when you've invented the perpetual motion machine.
Bypass the solar panel and plug in the neighbours mains feed?
I like your line of thought Alan ...
(you're not an EU-ETS trader are you?)
now, what's the Tariff to be ? go for it !
That paint shop job makes him to look like The Mask, a sort of unstopable, mannic, unkillable type of person, be afraid, very afraid
you might say that, JT ...
now, what's the Tariff to be ? go for it !
A packet of seeds & a shovel. With so much BS you wouldn't even need fertilizer.
I will try harder.
I will try harder.
I will try harder...
I guess a better FIT would be the mineral rights to a hectare of Mars per kwh produced.
Although its a bit like the top gear snowbine, the more you think about it the more sensible it sounds.
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