Friday, 11 October 2013

Sell Royal Mail while the sun is shining

Everyone in the City said buy in, everyone has. So now the simple matter is that if everyone is a buyer, then who is left to sell. There is only one way the story ends and it is unlikely it ends with Royal Mail shareprice above £5. Cash your chips if you can!


Bill Quango MP said...

I'm out

Blue Eyes said...

I bought mine on the government website. How do I sell??

andrew said...

not selling now.
I suspect that after a short period we will hear that there are a lot of city centre sites the PO doesn't really need all around the country.
bit of luck this push PO into ftse 100
then I'll sell.

Anonymous said...

Andrew - There are a lot of LISTED BUILDING city centre sites that RM does not need. Its a Victorian institution.
Very difficult to shift a 50,000 sq ft Victorian warehouse/factory. Even for trendy flats.

Blue Eyes said...

The central London concrete warehouses must be worth a mint on their own.

I am torn. I want to cash in my quick buck if I can, but I think RM might be a reasonably investment in the slightly longer term.

Graeme said...


there are lots of online sites such as equiniti or even Nat West or Barclays where you can deal in shares. Remember that if the management is thinking long-term, they might do a sale and leaseback deal on the property portfolio, which will take a good 6 months to sort out.

Graeme said...

most banks have an online share-dealing account...just check on the commissions...not th
at they vary much

dearieme said...

Alas, Messrs Hargreaves Lansdown declined to co-operate.

Demetrius said...

As the price of stamps could be about to rocket, see the shares and buy the stamps.

Anonymous said...

As a side note - didn't HMG strip out £350m.

"The company has been valued at around £3 billion, and the privatisation may well prove to be very successful. However, it raises some interesting questions about intergenerational justice, specifically to do with its pension fund. Arguably, this privatisation has only been made possible because the UK government has agreed to absorb the liability of paying pensions to Royal Mail’s former employees, effectively placing that huge potential cost in the public domain, to be met by future taxpayers, and taking that burden away from future shareholders to make Royal Mail more attractive to investors."

DtP said...

And Osborne's best chum trousered £27 million in 1 day - kerching!

James Higham said...

Not too late?