Tuesday, 24 June 2014

She Can Kill With A Smile ...

... she can wound with her eyes,

She will ruin your faith with her casual lies ...  (B.Joel 1977)

Yes, he met her too.  Oldest story in the world.



Duke Box said...

The Eagles also sang about "Lying eyes"

MyWednesdayName said...

Incredible that she got off.

She must have some stash of photos of herself and.....

Bill Quango MP said...

Never mind her getting off. Mr Brooker was the real surprise.

I know my defence in future. In fact I might fly over to the US and help out with their 'missing' IRS emails problem.

Your Honour, MS Lerner deleted the hard drives .. because they were full of porn. Hardcore, full on, banned in several states porn..She got passed the security filters as we thought she was just searching for BBC.. ya'know...Monty Python"

Bill Quango MP said...

Ooops.. not Brooker, the TV producer, writer and journalist...


Blue Eyes said...

What we the people need is a thicket of regulation so complicated that the courts can find anyone guilty of something if that person attracts the general disapproval of the state/media complex.

Nick Drew said...

... in fact, the Russian system, BE

their tax decrees are so complex and indeed in many cases mutually contradictory, that you cannot fail to be guilty of something at all times

you know it, they know it - you can be hauled in anytime

Blue Eyes said...

Not only the Russian, sadly :-(

English law is pretty much dead in England.

Anonymous said...

Nick, in fairness to Ms A-B, her primary and secondary education took place in Uganda, where the struggles against slavery, the Triangular Trade, Rosa Klebb at the front of the bus, the hypocaust, lynch-mobs and the Nazis probably took up less of the curriculum than they would have done in the UK.

Electro-Kevin said...

I think she's hot.

Sebastian Weetabix said...

In fairness to Mrs A-B this country gave her shelter from Idi Amin's goons and she repays the hospitality, figuratively speaking, by defecating on the living room carpet.

Nick Drew said...

2 things about A-B, the 1st of which has nothing much to do with schooling:

- she puts herself up as a pundit on foreign afairs subjects like Russia/Ukraine, knowing less than would be expected of any literate person taking even a passing interest in Russia: the matter in question is not even remotely obscure (OK, more fool the BBC ...)

- she claims a good British education! whether this was in a British school in Uganda, or (IIRC) India, it's her claim

enough on A-B already !

andrew said...

I prefer David Bowie / Lady Grinning Soul

She'll come, she'll go
She'll lay belief on you
Skin sweet with musky odor
The lady from another grinning soul

Cologne she'll wear
Silver and Americard
She'll drive a beetle car
And beat you down at cool Canasta


J P Spaghetti said...

Caught Billy at Wembley Arena in the late 80s. Such a wonderful entertainer as well as a superlative songwriter / musician - told us his response to those who question why he carts a (baby) grand piano thousands of miles rather than makes do with a synthesizer is that "you can't stand on a synthesizer" (well, I guess you could but it wouldn't be advisable). He then stood and plonked about on it. I'd like to see Meatloaf try that.

Thanks to you headline and its subject matter, though, I'm not sure I'll listen that masterpiece of heartfelt melody the same way again.

And to andrew [sic] - LGS is indeed sublime.

Oh, and just how DID she get off scot-free? Or has she? Please tell me it's not all over. Someone say it isn't so...

J P Spaghetti said...

Meant "Thanks to your headline", of course (really should make better use of Preview) in my post of 11:01 PM today!

Nick Drew said...

no probs Mr Spag - we guessed

happens to CU all the time, see his complete works passim