Friday, 28 September 2018

Musk Down!

Always interesting how often this can happen - Elon Musk is in big trouble in the US for his, allegedly drug-fuelled, tweets about Tesla - another mighty titan on Industry on his way down.

Musk is a genius in the true sense of the word, able to dream and realise things that most people cannot. However, he is also human and hubris affects everyone.

Now made of money and with a multi-million fan club, Musk is now like a tinpot dictator - listening only to acolytes and also rich and powerful enough to ignore everyone else.

Until he screws with the markets, by saying he was going to privatise Tesla and had funds lined up he massively moved the market - it is a fairly open and shut case. He is going to be in deep trouble and the US justice system is brutalist in its construction. Of course, liberal use of highly paid lawyers may save him, but even this might prove hard if the SEC just wants to make its point.

Tesla of course has been struggling, unable to make the cars quick enough to sell - which should really be a saving grace given they lose money on everyone they sell! The economies of scale seem to be more elusive and Musk is too involved to let it go. On his rocket adventures the science is beyond him so he has to leave he technical to experts - as such, the business burns his money but with a much better success rate.

Anyway, we will find out pretty soon how well Tesla does with out him!


Nick Drew said...

Misleading shareholders ...

ooo-err missus: Jeff Skilling** (Enron) got 24 years and a $40m fine for that. He had good lawyers, too

Misleading shareholders ... hmmm - where's Fred Goodwin ..?

** only the third personal acquaintance of mine to be banged up, BTW.
WEEKEND COMPO - guess who was the second?

(no-one will have heard of the first)

Raedwald said...

You spoil us, Mr Drew. I'm down to 4 - Christopher Tappin or one of the Natwest Three. If I can only have one guess I'll go for Tappin.

BlokeInBrum said...

Looks like your Mr. Skilling has paid his debt to society and has been released back into the community. (According to Wikipedia at least (Spit!)).

BlokeInBrum said...

It wasn't Khodorkovsky by any chance?
Not sure if the circles you move in contain many oligarchs....

Charlie said...

Phil Spector?

Sebastian Weetabix said...

Tesla are in deeper shit than most people think. They don’t even own the IP on the technology they use. They will be crushed fairly soon.

andrew said...

Depends what you mean
Tesla the company will i am sure be a success.
Tesla stockholders may not be happy with the v.v. large and dilutive 5 usd rights issue.

Elby the Beserk said...

Always thought him a fly boy. King of the rent seekers that's for sure, by a long way. Vince Crusty can only look in awe. The pedo thing with the cave rescue diver made mew realise Musk's a loose cannon.

Electro-Kevin said...

I'm sure he said "Speedo" on account of the Englishman's swimming attire.

Timbo614 said...

As with most geniuses, there is a hint of madness. They live on the edge between the two states. With Musk the genious generally won, add lots of money, drugs and stir - which side wins?

dearieme said...

Well I laughed, E-K.

As for Mr Busk - how do people get taken in by such people? It's a mystery to me.

Elby the Beserk said...

E-K - :-) :-)

I think said diver is suing him. I would!

Electro-Kevin said...

The whole exchange between these guys was funny, you have to admit. In normal life the sort of thing that would be sorted out over a pint.

Electro-Kevin said...

Killing Eve. Well worth the watch and that's from someone who can't usually stand the BBC.

Makes a change from the usual humourless PC mummy porn.