Friday, 1 November 2019

1st cut 2019 election view

Very busy in the Cpaitalist economy at the moment, which somewhat undermines the various politico's wailing about how badly the Country is doing economically.

Anyway this is reall a short post to start a useful discussion thread. This is not a house view, but my own. That is the only way to vote in the upcoming election is to vote against the incumbent wherever you are.

Clearly, on a cost-benefit analysis it is hard to make a case for any of the major parties outwith the Tories. But I can see Lib Dems as having an interesting position bar their lunacy on Brexit.

However, the colloective behaviour of the last set of Parliamentatarians is simply beyond the bounds of acceptability. Traiturous, lying and faking their way for nearly 3 years to achieve sweet nothing.

As a result of that none of them deserve anything other than their poltiical P45. Collectively they were awful and in a private company the whole management would be removed and we should do the same on a national level. Given the abject performance, the idea propogated in the press of late that we are losing good and experienced people just shows the media only take their line from said people themseleves. The only experience they have is in rank incompetence.

So however you vote, wherever you live in the UK, my advice is to try and get the incumbent out so that we can start again and try to renew the Country.


Anonymous said...

I don't remember the economy ever being so healthy in my lifetime -- and I've been around for a good long time. The newspapers used to have daily headlines about the Economic Crisis.

It may be because the government has been too busy with Brexit to meddle with the economy -- or with anything much. Probably Parliament should sit for only six weeks in the year: that would keep the meddling down, and give the politicians time to earn a less dishonest living.

Don Cox

Anonymous said...

I'm expecting Momentum to ensure the next few weeks are toxic.

I expect a litany of bollocks, false promises and outright lies from all sides of the political spectrum, but those fuckers really are something else.

dearieme said...

To get rid of our current MP the only hope is to vote Lib Dim. Must I?

Anonymous said...

Better to not vote at all than to vote LD.

Suppose you vote LD and they win by one vote. That would be your fault.

Don Cox

Anonymous said...

You can always spoil your paper and write non of these clowns

dearieme said...

But suppose my wife and I don't vote Lib Dim and the Labour numpty gets in by one vote. And suppose that extra two seat margin over the Limp Dims lets Corbyn ....

For want of a nail .....

Anyhoo, the Dims are only single liars. They didn't mean it when they said they'd respect the outcome of the People's Plebiscite, but they did mean it when they said they were Remainers. Whereas Labour and the Quisling Tories were double liars.

E-K said...

Except my incumbent has been REALLY good on Brexit. I gave her a hug in the street the other day.

CityUnslicker said...

E-K and Dearime. No exceptions, they were all terrible and do not deserve another shot. Vote green or BXP something if you need to waste your vote!

(Of course, I have a retiring incumbent Tory so am spared of as I say not as I do...:o)