Friday, 28 May 2021

Cry forth economy but...

Here we go again, this time with a vaccine. The new Indian variant is spreading wildly in the Country. Due to the vaccines it won't kill as many or hospitalise as may as before, but given half the country has not been vaccinated we might expect a peak about half of what it was in the last wave in about oh, 3-4 months time. 

Of course for now the cry is to open up and relieve the economy. there is little personally that I can't do already so a lot this shouting is for really quite a small section of the economy. Air travel and holidays are beyond our ken, France has banned from-UK travel again today - other Governments will do as they feel they must. 

What we should look at is that the economy and jobs market are in fact bouncing back strongly, much more strongly than the OBR predicted at the last budget. Dishy Rishi will be able to splash some cash (no doubt in the NHS, sigh) later in the year, whether open up fully or not. 

Surely with this in mind the sensible thing to do is not open up the economy until everyone over 40 has had two jabs, that way we will win once and for all?


lilith said...

"Surely with this in mind the sensible thing to do is not open up the economy until everyone over 40 has had two jabs"

Don't be daft! People under 60 are barely at risk of death...more die from accidental drowning. You can't coerce everyone to take part in a medical trial on pain of being locked in their homes indefinitely....

If we are going to have passports I'd rather have this kind

E-K said...

Nick, are you serious ?

A vital distinction is *who* has been given the double jab. Those in the at risk over seventies already have. Most below that age and over 40 have already been given one jab and are largely immune - this is reflected in the (sometimes) single figure death rates.

More importantly we still aren't being told exactly what people are dying of. It is still "within 28 days of a positive test" which skews the figures heavily towards CV-19. Now that deaths are so low surely there are the resources and the knowledge to tell us exactly what infected people died of.

No. They don't want us to know that.

And if they don't give us Freedom Day then they never will. The mask is now a symbol of oppression to me and we should be rebelling against it. (Lanyards are easy to come by and no-one challenges you.)

The point of the vaccine was never to stop infections. It was to stop deaths and hospitalisation which it has done beyond the wildest expectations.

And your estimation that deaths will be half of what they were does not bare scrutiny as it is both unscientific and illogical because it does not take account of the targeted vaccination that has already taken place.


What is holding us back now is the Blue Team. Terrified of being called racists when the death toll comes in for those who refused to take it in the communities despite being told time and time again, nay begged to take it.

Masks and social distancing are now political.

If social distancing and masks carry on vast swathes of entertainment and hospitality will be lost for good. The businesses I go to report to me that they are not making money - not by a long shot.

We are basically looking at the end of the British way of life and London will go for a Burton too. Why not boring (but clean and safe) Frankfurt now ?

DJK said...

"Don't be daft! People under 60 are barely at risk of death" True, but you can't force people into pubs and restaurants if they see case numbers rising and don't feel safe. Just as we can't force foreign countries to take our tourists. (Even the Irish are banning UK visitors --- or is that just visitors from Great Britain?)

Probably wait and see is the right approach for now. So far, the numbers in hospital are not going up. They've also stopped going down, which is slightly concerning.

We can probably out-vaccinate the Indian variant. The bigger worry is that the virus evolves again into a new variant that can outwit the vaccines.

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E-K said...

DJK "We can probably out-vaccinate the Indian variant. The bigger worry is that the virus evolves again into a new variant that can outwit the vaccines."

Well you stay indoors then, DJK.

Because your argument is going to get us restricted forever.

Bill Quango MP said...

It’s off topic now, but ND raised this, and it does show examples of the strain on government . What was the government’s initial response to the crisis of a civilian war, during World War Two.?

Here are two examples that show little has changed in eighty years.

Lord Chief Justice Caldecote criticised the Lighting Restrictions Order in a judgement made on 19th November, 1942.
This order... ran to some thirty-three articles and innumerable sub-paragraphs which everybody concerned with lighting in its various forms is required to understand ... I find it impossible to believe that the regulations could not have been in a simpler and more intelligible form.

The East Grinstead Observer (30th September, 1944)
Susan Home of 33 West Street, East Grinstead, was charged with a breach of blackout regulations. The light was showing through the scullery window. The window had not been blacked out. The light, added Inspector Fry, had been burning for 14 hours or so and consequently the defendant was also summoned for wasting fuel. Susan Home was fined 10s. for each offence.

The Germans mounted a second blitz on the uk between jan and May 1944, which, owing to much improved uk defences, training, resources
and precautions, was not very successful.

DJK said...

Freedom lovers can always move to Brazil if they don't like petty restrictions. (Freedom in Aus/NZ too, but I don't think they're letting anyone in.)

E-K: What you or I say makes no odds, the politicians in charge of most European countries have seen what happens when the virus gets out of control and they really don't want to go there. Leaders who preside over a country where people are dying for lack of oxygen, or through being turned away from hospital, suddenly find their popularity drops through the floor. Not just India either: Japan has a serious healthcare shortage right now.

Matt said...

Leaders who preside over a country that goes bust, taxes the crap out of working people and kills those with serious (non-COVID) medical conditions by restricting hospital treatment also suddenly find their popularity drops through the floor.

E-K said...


This is NOT war.

This is not even the plague.


The virus is no longer out of control. Alas we may be forced to change our entire way of life because minorities refuse to take the vaccine but let's be clear - this is because they are the *special* group in they eyes of politics and the law and not the general public.

We will always be exposed to mutant strains so long as there are lax borders (which the Blue Team is addicted to) and will have to wait for the slowest boat in the vaccination fleet.

So that's it then.

Our way of life gone.

I happen to think that's a rubbish decision. And so will far more people once the bills start coming in. (And where is Whitty's charts of lockdown deaths ?)

400 odd days ago I was free. Now I'm not and the future's looking shit. Compared to what we had this is shit. Really shit.

Do not get used to it.

Do not get used to the masks.

You're now wearing them to save the Blue Team.

Anonymous said...

date Cases Tests %
28-May 4182
27-May 3542 959007 0.4%
26-May 3180 1132061 0.3%
25-May 2493 741912 0.3%
24-May 2439 946830 0.3%
23-May 2235 1165801 0.2%
22-May 2694 499089 0.5%
21-May 2829 715414 0.4%
20-May 2874 982099 0.3%
19-May 2696 1180660 0.2%
18-May 2412 732012 0.3%
17-May 1979 967126 0.2%
16-May 1926 1086443 0.2%
15-May 2027 460202 0.4%
14-May 2193 674608 0.3%
13-May 2657 982881 0.3%
12-May 2284 1184941 0.2%
11-May 2474 711104 0.3%
10-May 2357 955467 0.2%
09-May 1770 1322338 0.1%
08-May 2047 490546 0.4%
07-May 2490 708935 0.4%
06-May 2613 1067566 0.2%
05-May 2144 1214689 0.2%
04-May 1946 860368 0.2%
03-May 1649 1069724 0.2%
02-May 1671 832918 0.2%
01-May 1907 485640 0.4%
30-Apr 2381 667686 0.4%
29-Apr 2445 1072576 0.2%
28-Apr 2166 1360719 0.2%
27-Apr 2685 730262 0.4%
26-Apr 2064 1034181 0.2%
25-Apr 1712 1477709 0.1%
24-Apr 2061 502663 0.4%
23-Apr 2678 722997 0.4%
22-Apr 2729 1111876 0.2%
21-Apr 2396 1371393 0.2%
20-Apr 2524 730210 0.3%
19-Apr 2963 1041368 0.3%
18-Apr 1882 1673788 0.1%
17-Apr 2206 492826 0.4%
16-Apr 2596 681887 0.4%
15-Apr 2672 988311 0.3%
14-Apr 2491 1162840 0.2%
13-Apr 2472 679109 0.4%
12-Apr 3568 874399 0.4%
11-Apr 1730 1218037 0.1%
10-Apr 2589 482153 0.5%
09-Apr 3150 676307 0.5%
08-Apr 3030 931579 0.3%
07-Apr 2763 1034088 0.3%
06-Apr 2379 631846 0.4%
05-Apr 2762 741323 0.4%
04-Apr 2297 813693 0.3%
03-Apr 3423 405634 0.8%
02-Apr 3402 555613 0.6%
01-Apr 4479 953206 0.5%
31-Mar 4052 1266685 0.3%
30-Mar 4040 695477 0.6%
29-Mar 4654 972317 0.5%
28-Mar 3862 1641942 0.2%
27-Mar 4715 471328 1.0%
26-Mar 6187 722814 0.9%
25-Mar 6397 1275285 0.5%
24-Mar 5605 1813842 0.3%
23-Mar 5379 839954 0.6%
22-Mar 5342 1191048 0.4%
21-Mar 5312 1893830 0.3%
20-Mar 5587 473050 1.2%
19-Mar 4802 933234 0.5%
18-Mar 6303 1437257 0.4%
17-Mar 5758 1635141 0.4%
16-Mar 5294 1319784 0.4%
15-Mar 5089 1573774 0.3%
14-Mar 4618 965127 0.5%
13-Mar 5534 437958 1.3%
12-Mar 6609 1402203 0.5%
11-Mar 6753 1614145 0.4%
10-Mar 5926 1554080 0.4%
09-Mar 5766 1374579 0.4%
08-Mar 4712 1529525 0.3%
07-Mar 5177 805744 0.6%
06-Mar 6040 452750 1.3%
05-Mar 5947 953671 0.6%
04-Mar 6573 992812 0.7%
03-Mar 6385 863658 0.7%
02-Mar 6391 675543 0.9%
01-Mar 5455 727972 0.7%
28-Feb 6035 526679 1.1%
27-Feb 7434 383946 1.9%
26-Feb 8523 604745 1.4%
25-Feb 9985 731410 1.4%
24-Feb 9938 740717 1.3%
23-Feb 8489 594629 1.4%
22-Feb 10641 670560 1.6%
21-Feb 9834 590591 1.7%
20-Feb 10406 408118 2.5%
19-Feb 12027 521230 2.3%
18-Feb 12057 560400 2.2%
17-Feb 12718 578844 2.2%
16-Feb 10625 488578 2.2%
15-Feb 9765 457144 2.1%
14-Feb 10972 401786 2.7%
13-Feb 13308 403600 3.3%
12-Feb 15144 626243 2.4%
11-Feb 13494 730223 1.8%
10-Feb 13013 763311 1.7%
09-Feb 12364 579266 2.1%
08-Feb 14104 616718 2.3%
07-Feb 15845 584933 2.7%
06-Feb 18262 454008 4.0%
05-Feb 19114 671585 2.8%
04-Feb 20634 783851 2.6%
03-Feb 19202 801949 2.4%
02-Feb 16840 606382 2.8%
01-Feb 18607 643204 2.9%
31-Jan 21088 574012 3.7%
30-Jan 23275 439006 5.3%
29-Jan 29079 662675 4.4%
28-Jan 28680 753031 3.8%
27-Jan 25308 771710 3.3%
26-Jan 20089 596845 3.4%
25-Jan 22195 542893 4.1%
24-Jan 30004 412204 7.3%
23-Jan 33552 484485 6.9%
22-Jan 40261 629416 6.4%
21-Jan 37892 665330 5.7%
20-Jan 38905 640856 6.1%
19-Jan 33355 579194 5.8%
18-Jan 37535 556689 6.7%
17-Jan 38598 417329 9.2%
16-Jan 41346 491137 8.4%
15-Jan 55761 596727 9.3%
14-Jan 48682 695148 7.0%
13-Jan 47525 628556 7.6%
12-Jan 45533 584760 7.8%
11-Jan 46169 536947 8.6%
10-Jan 54940 485874 11.3%

Anonymous said...

4182 people reported today having a positive test (PCR or LFT).

How many of these are symptomatic and how many of these are just finding viral fragments from surge testing? PCR can show positive even if it's just picking up dead viral fragments.

The government live in a self fulfilling loop - they see absolute positive test result numbers go up, panic and start doing mass testing which by the nature of the tests will find positives in people who wouldn't have thought to test themselves.

An important metric to bear in mind is % of tests that are positive and this paints a different picture

Data from

Anonymous said...

Well I managed to balls that posting up - I should probably get a job in government!

Anonymous said...

Here's what the UK destroyed its way of life for (2020 saw fewer deaths than 2008):

Year Age-standardised mortality rate (per 100,000 population)
2020 1,043.5
2019 925.0
2018 965.4
2017 965.3
2016 966.9
2015 993.2
2014 953.0
2013 985.9
2012 987.4
2011 978.6
2010 1,017.1
2009 1,033.8
2008 1,091.9
2007 1,091.8
2006 1,104.3
2005 1,143.8
2004 1,163.0
2003 1,232.1
2002 1,231.3
2001 1,236.2
2000 1,266.4


Anonymous said...

@anonymous 1:18am

You should leave the trend analysis to the grown ups.
Guessing you are a covid denying anti vaxxer
How many deaths would have been acceptable to you
I bet you were sprouting ‘the great reset’ like the whiner does.

markc said...

Crikey Moses. When seeing phrases like "covid denying anti vaxxer" in my morning reading I look at the calendar first, but April 1 has long gone. Like climate change, most of this shite ('scuse me) now falls into the realms of cult affiliation.

Elby the Beserk said...

What if your immune? A number of papers suggest that 30% to 40% of us are.

Why would one get vaccinated for something one won't get? And n, I don't get the nnual 'flu jab. Never had the disease once. Indeed, if I get a cold (coronavirus) it's once every few years, and it's a sniffle at worst.

I am very confident in my immune system and will not let an experimental vaccine that is racking up adverse reactions and deaths at a horrifying rate. All the more so as we know the vast bulk of ADRs are not reported at all.


COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds More Than Triple in 1 Week, VAERS Data Show

VAERS data released today showed 262,521 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,406 deaths and 21,537 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 21, 2021.

Don Cox said...

"400 odd days ago I was free."

Lucky you. I haven't felt free since making rude remarks or using naughty words became a Hate Crime.

Don Cox

Sobers said...

" The new Indian variant is spreading wildly in the Country."

The Indians themselves seem to have got it under control, at least the states using Ivermectin have, while the states that aren't using it haven't. How odd.............

Anonymous said...

How would one know you are immune so needn't have the vaccination? The 4k deaths is after 280 million doses and is mostly old people who would have a greater risk of death from the disease.

Anonymous said...

Your obsession with masks makes you sound Trumpian. Like many in Asia I'm completely indifferent to the wearing of masks for any reason.

Elby the Beserk said...

the Indian variant is only a tiny bit different to the original strain, but being treated as a new threat. Viruses don't want to kill us, else they remove the host they need to propagate. So when close to end of days they mutate. A small amount.

Clear to me the govt is hooked on terrifying us. Time we did the same to them, methinks

"I touched on the role in this process played by the Government’s exploitation of the ‘mutant’ variant phenomenon, variants that are, as has been explained by Dr Mike Yeadon and others, 99.7 per cent identical – a difference too minimal to evade immunity. This fundamental (benign) characteristic has not stopped the Government from ‘manufacturing’ successive deadly variant threats around them, the latest being the Indian coronavirus variant, with new sets of forecast ‘spikes’ or surges accompanying each."

Elby the Beserk said...


This is NOT war.

This is not even the plague.


The virus is no longer out of control. Alas we may be forced to change our entire way of life because minorities refuse to take the vaccine

Beyond garbage. And you seem to have forgotten that the state's mandate ends at your skin. Beyond that they have no say. This is quite clearly an experimental vaccine, rushed out, and skipping the animal testing that has stopped ALL previous attempts at Covid vaccines reaching fruition. Why? Antibody-Dependence Enhancement occurred again and again in the testing.

Maybe do some research? There's any number of papers out there detailing the danger of ADE. Here's a starter for you

And remember, medical experiments without fully informed consent are a breach of the Nuremburg Code. We can thank Dr. Mengele for that.

Were you warned about ADE before your jab? If not, you have been subject to a clear breach of medical ethics.

Your choice. Not mine.

E-K said...

Anon (or anyone for that matter)

When have I said I believe in the Great Reset ?

Stop making things up.

Because I have a perspective on risk why does that make me an anti vaxxer ? I take my second jab today.

I'm taking it not because I want to (I think it's rushed and I would rather take my chances with the disease) but we were told specifically that it would free us from restrictions and it was the only thing that would free us of restrictions.

Well the vaccine is here and it is better than the wildest expectations. Yet it is STILL not good enough.

What's happening is very simple to explain.

Boris made mistakes (I don't blame him for that) and he was called out for racism this week. He was also called our for 'pile the bodies high' comments.

Great timing and leverage against Boris to put the kybosh on Freedom Day.

This is the road to endless lockdown.

For a death rate of (now) a tiny fraction of 1%.

Better not leave your house, Anon, for fear of falling over - in fact, better not leave your bedroom for fear accident seeing as most are in the home.

Be careful out there. Mind how you go.

E-K said...

Elby @ 11.20


I have seen the research - how good am I then ? There are other papers that say otherwise.

I'm not saying that minorities (or anyone) SHOULD take the vaccine. Though I very much doubt they've looked at the research as much as you have.

Simply that it is offered and then once all those willing to take it have taken it we undo lockdown.

E-K said...

Anonymous isn't having to wear a mask up to 8 hours a day, clearly.

For one thing they destroy good old English banter. And as one who has bad tinnitus I rely on lip reading more than most.

They are stuffy oppressive, stultify conversation and dehumanise.

Moreover they clearly haven't worked because you keep telling us that we need to keep them on and the Indian variant is getting out of control.

We are wearing them for one reason only.

The communists and totalitarians love them and Boris is being bullied by communists and totalitarians.

E-K said...

Thank you Elby.

Nick Drew said...

Kev, is there a country you feel has performed really well on this, on a sustained basis?

And if the answer is "Vietnam", well,

(a) I clearly recall people saying Japan were really good at it a year ago (more social cohesion, better government, more prepared etc etc) but it doesn't seem to have been sustained

(b) there really are a few deep differences between Vietnam and most relevant western countries we might take as exemplars

I write as someone who, back in Feb last year (when there were three more nonagenarians still alive in the Drew family than today), wrote on these pages that given the choice between Granny and GDP, governments everywhere would choose GDP. Well, turns out I was wrong about that. Governments choose Granny.

(or, as someone shrewdly suggested BTL here a while ago, the 60-somethings who are actually in charge, and felt pre-covid that they were nailed-on to reach 90, are making damn' sure they maximise their chances of still doing so)

Sobers said...

"As someone shrewdly suggested BTL here a while ago, the 60-somethings who are actually in charge, and felt pre-covid that they were nailed-on to reach 90, are making damn' sure they maximise their chances of still doing so"

That would have been me....... :)

Jan said...

I'd like to know how many people have died OF the vaccine and compare with the numbers dying OF Covid (rather than WITH Covid).

Here is someone who was as far as we know otherwise young and healthy and just happened to work for the BBC and is now dead:

It took me a while to find the article as it seems to be rather buried on the site.

In all the fearmongering and talk of risk, they always talk of the risk of being seriously ill/dying etc etc but they forget to mention you have to catch the virus first and forget to include the chance of actually catching it into the calculation.

If you have the jab then you are absolutely increasing your risk of an adverse effect whereas if you don't have it then you only have the risk of anything adverse happening to you IF you actually catch the virus.

Personally I will do my best not to catch it and that doesn't necessarily include masks which many seem to think will save them even if worn as some kind of chin adornment!

Also I'd rather be treated with some kind of drug eg ivermectin than risk having an experimental vaccine whuch may or may not have adverse and unknown LONG-TERM effects and may not even hve been needed in the first place.

Frog One said...

A well made statistical point Jan.

There was a piece linking Covid clots and shark attacks. Suggesting more likely to die from shark attack than a blood clot.

But if someone never went in the sea the shark attack risk is zero. Go in the sea in uk, the shark attack risk is zero.
So the risk of shark attack is far higher than the statistic.

This is the measure used.

Shark attack 1 in 3,748,067

Sources: All accidental death information from National Safety Council. Disease death information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shark fatality data provided by the International Shark Attack File.

Lifetime risk is calculated by dividing 2003 population (290,850,005) by the number of deaths, divided by 77.6, the life expectancy of a person born in 2003

Which is the number of deaths, divided by entire USA population. For a USA shark death figure. Twenty US states have no coastline at all.
The actual statistics should be swimmers in known shark areas divided by attacks.
Would be a far higher figure.

E-K said...

Nick @ 12.57

The people I've met who are truly terrified tend to be in their mid sixties.

By now they should be double vaccinated and a lot safer. (I am not far off sixty myself btw.) Let them shield if they want to.

That puts us in a very different position to other countries.

We're not talking about GDP. We're talking about basic freedom. Socialising now seems like a luxury. Going to the pub is an ordeal. Sitting on a train for a long journey is made unpleasant because of masks, especially on old units in hot weather (at least you get a seat but how long can that be funded ?)

Any sort of spontaneous banter or laugh is much more difficult.

"Best play it safe" is not the safe thing to do at all.

It hands vast (and potentially permanent) powers to totalitarians and it kills too.

This was not about saving granny and the choosing of granny over GDP but the deliberate miscounting of cause of death and the horrific numbers that were coming in.

The vast majority of deaths were already terminally ill people.

The numbers were jacked up to be as high as they could possibly be and still are.

We should know today exactly what people are dying of but they don't want us to have the information.

I wish they'd take away furlough. People would be a lot braver without it.

E-K said...

Furlough is starting to look a lot like a universal wage. I have never seen the country looking so communist.

Nick Drew said...

... and the country that has done better?

iOpener said...

I'm 68 and most of my friends/acquaintances about the same. Maybe it's just my conservative cohort, but we all loathe the lockdowns and masks and are of the view that the whole thing was a fraud or close to it.

It's the 40-50 year olds I meet who seem to me to be fearful and angry. I spoke to a 50-ish airline agent last week and mentioned that people were ignoring do not travel orders into a neighbouring province. She started yelling that the fines should be doubled! Tripled! etc.

Jan said...

You are right iOpener. I'm of a similar age yet my children in their 40s are all quite "woke" and are getting vaccinated. I haven't been boring them with my views or the fact I think it's a scam because they don't listen.

I put it down to a lifetime of the British education system which has brainwashed them despite my best efforts when they were little.

lilith said...

You can't really compare Japan with Europe. It would be like comparing Australia and New Zealand to Europe. Sweden did pretty well. They had a massive surge but only because their "dry tinder" deaths were so low during winter 2018/19 so there was a larger queue for the grim reaper. Our excess deaths are only so high because they are adding two seasons together and have changed the baseline for excess deaths (now based on 2018/19). Both my parents are seriously frail and elderly with half a dozen co morbidities. Have they been "lucky"? Or is Cov19 only lethal to those for whom the common cold/urinary infection/paper cut/MRSA/hospital food would be lethal?

Don Cox said...

"We should know today exactly what people are dying of "

How do you find out exactly what a person is dying of when they have several medical problems as well as the virus ?

In the case of an otherwise healthy person, it's easy, but not for the old and fragile. It will also be very difficult to collect good data for comparison of various countries. There are years of research ahead, and this pandemic is far from over.

Don Cox

E-K said...

China is the country that has done better.

It is not done until we are out of lockdown and partying like they are.

DJK said...


"We're talking about basic freedom"
"China is the country that has done better. "

Not sure how you can reconcile these two statements.

Anonymous said...

What the UK destroyed its way of life and psychologically terrorised its children for (straight from the ONS):

Year Age-standardised mortality rate (per 100,000 population)

2020 1,043.5
2019 925.0
2018 965.4
2017 965.3
2016 966.9
2015 993.2
2014 953.0
2013 985.9
2012 987.4
2011 978.6
2010 1,017.1
2009 1,033.8
2008 1,091.9
2007 1,091.8
2006 1,104.3
2005 1,143.8
2004 1,163.0
2003 1,232.1
2002 1,231.3
2001 1,236.2
2000 1,266.4

Just a bit of helpful context.

E-K said...

DJK and ND

I don't have to reconcile the two

One is by A) creating the virus (incidentally only Biden is allowed to say that and because I dislike masks I'm called a pejorative 'Trumpist' by the idiot Anonymous) and B) welding people into their flats.

The UK has (had) a prime opportunity to show Brexit Britain at its best but lots of vested interests don't want to see that ( there's a clue for you)

Boris has the ability to show the world how a country can A) devise a vaccine that liberates its people without welding them in flats or trapping them in nets trying to escape in rivers while B) keeping open its borders and C) offering and paying for a solution to the whole word but ... NO

The UK left decide to use BAMEs as the excuse to make the whole thing fail.

E-K said...

Don Cox at 5.39pm

When the freedom of the nation is at stake I'd say its fair to assume (if assumption is the game... which it is !) that all old and ill over 80s died of old age. Too weak to fight of viruses.

Thus I think it fair for me to assume that anyone who didn't die of CV-19 died of lockdown ... of which three of my friends most definitely did (I'm yet to know anyone who's died of CV-19)

As it is the aged should have been the easiest to isolate but those infected in NHS wards were sent back to live with them.

I don't advocate killing Gran. I advocate focused protection for Gran - which is what we gave mine. My brother and I have done far better than professional care homes.

But here we go. One of the best vaccine roll outs in the world kyboshed... because the UK (particularly Brexit UK) isn't allowed to win, is it !

dearieme said...

Back to freedom, please.

Tell me, chaps, are we still doing PCR tests with the dial turned up to 40+, or have we turned it down to 30, like sensible folk? Because if we haven't turned it down let's do so immediately.

Bingo! The new scare will vanish.

hovis said...

Sorry, but the two jabs for everyone over 40 .. umm no;

It would still be no even if... this wasnt still a trial and they made Doctors administering, and manufacturers of said "vaccines" fully liable for their actions.

Opening up: Florida and Texas...

Elby the Beserk said...

Anonymous said...
4182 people reported today having a positive test (PCR or LFT).

How many of these are symptomatic and how many of these are just finding viral fragments from surge testing? PCR can show positive even if it's just picking up dead viral fragments.

Well, we do know we have had an epidemic of false positives, given the cycle counts used. One should also mention that the creator of the PCR test is quite clear they should not be used for the detection of infectious diseases; indeed, he pit a video up on YouTube about it. Who promptly took it down. When true scientists are censored in such a way - and many many have been during this past 15 months, ESPECIALLY on the use of Vitamin D, Zinc and where appropriate, HCQ and Ivermectin, is a grave threat to society. We have to bring down Big Tech.

lilith said...

Any Catholics out there care to explain how Boris, serial husband, got to marry his handler in a Catholic cathedral? Everything is broken.

E-K said...

Second jab yesterday afternoon and all good so far - no soreness in the arm this time either.

I gave the vaccine team a Thank You card (I advise you all do this as it was so very much appreciated) and now I consider that I have done more than my bit.

Having been a key worker I have been working in public throughout - quite often being ferried by taxi as part of my job. I was out there when we didn't know what we were dealing with and I fully expected to get seriously ill (though I did not expect to die) but saw it as my duty to the country to do my bit even when I thought I was at serious personal risk.

I have taken a double jab which (as Elby rightly points out) I am taking a risk doing (again, duty to my country.)

I have been a carer/responder for three elderly people in my area and volunteered for a vaccination team but was not called up to do so (probably because my job's shifts are too erratic.)

So now no more. I get my lanyard next week and shall be wearing it vice a mask - there is a logical reason as well as a practical reason behind this.

I can wear my wife's panties as a safeguard against the virus if I wish and no-one can prevent me boarding a train or from entering a shop if I do so. There is no specification of the standard of face covering worn - it seems that so long as your facial features are hidden anything will do. Karen will be happy. Otherwise she will kick off.

An exemption lanyard doesn't even need a doctor's backing. This shows what bullshit the whole thing is.

Face masks are now political. Boris's sop to the Left in our state machinery whose worst nightmare is a Brexit Britain/Conservative success story.

They are now being forced upon us to save Boris and the ghastly Blue Team (aka the Red Team in the Blair era.)

Cummings will find a new career in the Left (probably with some Commie from SAGE) and will vie with them to be King - our benevolent dictators.

As for my box of masks ? I will happily insert them in the Idiot Anonymous's arsehole (without opening them) and will use my GoPro to film it on YouTube for C@W reader's delectation.

E-K said...

PS Karen is not my wife. She is a meme "OK Karen", a former school prefect or self appointed playground 'supervisor' when she was a child. You know the type.

My wife, Paula, would not be happy if she found me wearing her panties on my face.... or anywhere else for that matter.

dearieme said...

"explain how Boris, serial husband, got to marry his handler in a Catholic cathedral?"

I suppose he called on the old Roman Catholic tradition that rules are for the little people.

Nick Drew said...

PS, it don't matter much but notwithstanding the moniker on the bottom of this post, it wasn't me!

(I'm the blue one ...)