Friday, 10 December 2021

Friday Post - Fun Tory Time Competition

Who will make the best next Prime Minister? You have to choose a current Tory MP to make it a bit harder.

I start with mine below:

Tom Pursglove. He is the youngest Tory MP but very experienced nonetheless. Rising up from roles as advisor and also from Wellingborough Borough Council, he has already fought and won 3 elections in 2015, 2017 and 2019. As the MP for Corby he is in the heart of the Country and so nicely between the ex-Red Wall seats but far from the Home counties. 

He has been chair of Conservative Youth and has expressed the "right" views on being anti-Europe and also a borderline climate change denier and actively campaigning against more onshore wind farms. A good anti-dote to the green obsessed Boris but still unlikely to undo Brexit. 

Being so young he is also unlikely to die from the ongoing covid pandemic and is not a member of either the Cotswold or Islington sets that have done so much damage to the body politic over the last few years. 

Answers in the comments please.

I'll try to engineer a job as an unpaid Tory spad for the winner.


andrew said...

EK for PM.

dearieme said...

Inspired by Andrew I nominate whoever it is who writes as Mr Ecks in the comment threads at Tim Worstall.

What a fight: in the blue corner EK and in the other blue corner Mr Ecks.

Nick Drew said...

Mr Quango has been getting away with skulking on the back benches for too long ...

James Higham said...

I propose anyone named de Pfeffel. Anyway, Carrie on.

Anonymous said...

I propose anyone named de Pfeffel. Anyway, Carrie on.

I see what you did there.

Anonymous said...

There have been a few showing promise before being elected. As soon as they enter Parliament it's like invasion of the body- snatchers.

DJK said...

What does it matter? The Tory party in the HofC is unleadable and really, it needs a long spell in opposition. I'm afraid we'll have to look at the Labour party for the next PM. I had a quick look to see who is in the Shadow Cabinet, but none of them inspire much confidence. I think we'll just have to hope that cometh the hour, cometh the man still works.

Don Cox said...

Nobody on the Labour benches inspires any confidence at all, and some appear to have serious learning difficulties. It is not the party of Harold Wilson, Denis Healey, George Brown, Herbert Morrison, etc. It's a sackful of twittering numpties.

Don Cox

andrew said...

More seriously

Someone who has been an officer in the army.

From the (few) i have met they seem to understand that the people they lead are people and in war they will be leading some to their deaths and must somehow live with that.

The civilian officer class are taught to do what is necessary to achieve the next quarters results and the human cost simply does not have a cell on the spreadsheet. As soon as a person can be 'abstracted' they are.
Once you are a cell on a spreadsheet you are not a person anymore.

lilith said...

I'd like to see Nick as PM (Sorry Nick) with EK as Chancellor. In these circumstances I'd be happy to take on Equalities. lol

E-K said...

I've already declared myself a pervert so rule myself out.

The bones in my closet are being forced out by the whips, gags and rubber gear.

lilith said...

Surely that qualifies you precisely EK?

djm said...

Ain't no Conservative Party, Bro

DJK said...

The Spectator seems to have the hots for Sunak. Goodness knows why.

Don Cox said...

I agree with Andrew about army officer experience being good. At least, it seems to help in Britain and the USA. Attlee and Truman are good examples.

But military dictatorships in tropical countries can be extremely bad governments. Not as bad as religious or ideological dictatorships, but still very bad.

So there's no simple recipe.


Timbo614 said...

I said it last time we had one of these compos Gove is one of the only choices. I don't really like the man but he is a smart cookie and at least has his head screwed on the right way round. I think he is still "clean" too at least I can't remember any scandals except for the normal political back (or even front) stabbing. Otherwise I'll have to agree with Nick (again) and second our very own Mr. Quango.

E-K said...

A simply stunning article which gets to the heart of the problem.

Elby the Beserk said...

This gave me a buzz...

Watch the video.

E-K said...
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E-K said...

That tune's so catchy,Elby.

The woman singing Mariah Carey afterwards is worth a listen too !!!

Matt said...

Doubt he'd want the job but at least there would be no pretence about being a man-of-the-people.

JRM would be my vote over the smartarse Gove.

lilith said...

Even Gove's wife has had enough of him. He's turned out a slippery cove albeit a smartish one. Horrid to watch him drop his principles and crawling.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous DJK: "The Spectator seems to have the hots for Sunak. Goodness knows why."

Sunak has the 'skill' of printing cash and indiscriminately spraying it around.

Once upon a time Conservatives had higher expectations of a Tory Chancellor.

It's not as if that was an ability a Labour chancellor couldn't manage.

E-K said...

So... the first two vaccines and previous lockdowns weren't good enough.

We have to have another jab and obey rules (like none of the Tory Scum do)

The unkempt, sexually incontinent, unable to tuck his shirt in, unable to pay his parking tickets wanker... with numerous kids (that even he can't count) lectures us on covid restrictions and carbon cutting....

Oh do fuck off !!!

I did tell you all. No vaccine and no measure was ever going to be good enough.

Face masks and ruined Christmases are forever. Someone tell me why not.

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sunak, like Boris is a rootless cosmopolitan. That's why Speccie editor Fraser Nelson has the hots for him, because Fraser is a rootless cosmopolitan himself.

lilith said...

"Face masks and ruined Christmases are forever. Someone tell me why not."

Because we won't stand for it, that's why not E-K

DJK said...

Sunak is the man from nowhere, that we heard about after the Brexit referendum, as opposed to the men/women from somewhere who carried the day. Where does he call home, I wonder? East Africa, where his parents came from; Southampton, where he was born; North Yorkshire, where his constituency is; California, where he has a home and where he met his wife; or India, where his wife and her £1.7bn dowry came from?

Anonymous said...

DJK: "Sunak is the man from nowhere, ..."

Don't forget Javid, the fellow who was lauding doctors and nurses in 2019 banging his pots and pans and 'supporting our frontline workers', this year?

Fuck you, get the vaccine or get fired. We don't want your filth in the NHS.

Anonymous said...

DJK - Or Goldman Saks, where he learnt his craft!

lilith said...

The current NHS "crisis" is that there nowhere to discharge the elderly to (because of care home staffing crisis caused by mandatory vaccines.)

lilith said...

They rudely call these poor souls "bed blockers" and it was a problem BEFORE all the care staff who trust their own immunity were forced out.

lilith said...

I'd volunteer to help at a care home but they won't let me in. Mother has just graduated to a zimmer so we will be doing our best to keep her out of the morgue I mean hospital. She's rather inclined to throw herself to the floor. She tells me that if she has a health crisis to please, please keep her home. Which I will do unless she's bleeding everywhere. I won't be prevented from seeing her because of the scientific illiteracy around antibodies and immunity that currently prevails.

E-K said...


Even a double-vaxxed person now risks becoming classed as unvaxxed.

Tell me. When (as will happen) a fourth vaccination is required will someone who has had none of the previous vaccines decides finally to take the fourth ...after refusing the previous three that didn't work... does he get classed as vaxxed for being a good boy ?


Isn't it a bit sus that your third jab has to be different to your first two.

Doesn't that kind of... conveniently muddy the waters as to which shot gave you your blood clot and caused your collapse ?

patently said...

Steve Baker was fairly evidently "on maneuvers" on Sunday. Former RAF officer, so ticks the military box. Has been campaigning for sound money for along time, but that has recently been drowned out by his Brexit and Covid arguments.

I'd say only he and Gove have the outlook, the discipline and the intellect needed.