Wednesday 12 January 2022

Midweek Reading: Ukraine; Legislating the Internet

Being somewhat too busy for writing, here are a couple of excellent reads for you.

Ukraine:  First, a caveat, I have absolutely no idea whether "Consortium News" is a website of good repute (as regards conspiracy theory etc etc - everyone has to rely on their own judgement, and virus protection etc).  Also, the article I'm linking to here - What War With Russia Would Look Like by seemingly ultra-well qualified former US marine Scott Ritter - definitely serves Putin's purposes, whether or not the author has any leanings that way himself or, as I hope we can assume, not.

That said, it's a really good analysis of the realpolitik in play just now - or kiddy-politik in the case of Joe Biden.  Sobering stuff.  It contains an observation you might have read here at C@W before

Russia has studied an earlier U.S. military campaign - Operation Desert Storm, of Gulf War I - and has taken to heart the lessons of that conflict.

Yes indeed it has - being deeply impressed, nay shaken, by how successful was NATO AirLand Battle doctrine on its first roll-out in earnest.  Russia had a ringside seat, and was watching intently.  Here's another good soundbite: 

Russia can survive being blocked from SWIFT transactions longer than Europe can survive without Russian energy.

Yes, that's Angela Merkel's enduring legacy.   A Russophile all her life, she did nothing to fix Germany's dependence on Russian gas.

*   *   *   *   *

Internet:  Hey, we're a blog, and we don't much like the idea of our freedom of speech being curtailed.  That said, we are still bound by (e.g.) the laws of copyright and libel ... so obviously internet freedoms are on a spectrum.  Here's a great piece by my favourite practising American philosopher (and qualified lawyer), Brian Leiter: The Epistemology of the Internet and the Regulation of Speech in America.  (You can download the full paper from that abstract.)

No need to buy into all his conclusions to agree that (a) there's something very wrong with some of what gets pumped out on the www; and (b) the concept of "epistemic authority" is very powerful.

I'm guessing Dominic C agrees with the latter.



BlokeInBrum said...

Well, I'm halfway through that paper by Brian Leiter and I can already see what an incredible pile of lefty bilge it is.

He name checks Trump (Orange man bad!), disses Rush Limbaugh, gets a few digs in against Fox News and calls the New York Times a genuine epistemic authority ,lol.

All this is ,is another lefty attempt to create gatekeepers on the web and wider society in order to punish Wrongthink, and make sure all civilised discussion remains within acceptable bounds as defined by the cultural elite such as him.

I think it's time to burn it all to the ground, salt the earth and start it all again from scratch. Civilisation is done.

Elby the Beserk said...


Yup. Looks like that to me, have to say. The long march through the institutions has in effect, destroyed them all (been saying for years that all our institutions are infested with parasites).

Add to that that the ruling elite have made it clear to us that the rules that have been applied to us proles, these past two year, destroying lives, (general reckoning is that 200k DIED as a result of lockdown, regardless of the hell inflicted on many - especially kids, whilst 150k died having had Covid and being already sick as dogs and on the way out anyway - one might think that Utilitarianism has a place. Clearly Johnson and co don't give a flying duck. Thousands have been fined for lockdown breaches, lost their businesses, been unable to comfort their loved ones, whilst they get pissed and Ferguson gets a new job when nobbled, as reward for ALWAYS being wrong.

I voted for Boris to get Brexit done. More fool me

Elby the Beserk said...

Indeed, cover up and deception is now the norm. Remember the "lab leak" conspiracy theory, derided as such by the media and politicians? Given that the virus already had numerous patents taken out on it, it had to be a lab creation and if it didn't escape it was deliberately released.

"In October 2019, more than 9,000 international athletes from more than 100 countries traveled to Wuhan, China — and many of them later got sick with covid-19-like symptoms. But there has never been a real investigation into whether the virus that causes covid-19 was already spreading at the Wuhan Military World Games. Now, multiple U.S. lawmakers are demanding the U.S. government begin one."

These bastards run the medical state we now find ourselves living in (btw, Hitler and co. used "Public Health" as a weapon - my skin crawled when PHE suddenly became the "UK Health SECURITY agency" - health security being an entirely different matter to public health. I think Johnson's moves to loosen things up are simply a reflection of that fact that he's shedding votes like nobody's business.

"MORE evidence of a damaging cover-up by top British and American scientists of the laboratory origin of the Covid-19 virus has emerged in emails released in the US under Freedom of Information laws.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser, and Sir Jeremy Farrar, a former senior member of the advisory body Sage and boss of the powerful Wellcome Trust research fund, are among those mentioned. "

E-K said...

So many leaders in the West function in the belief that those in the East mirror our own thoughts and philosophies.

They don't.

It beggars belief that Merkel depended upon Russian pipelines whilst the EU and America was bullying and goading Putin.


Turns out Lord Frost resigned because of Covid Theatre.

That he thinks masks and lockdowns will be viewed as the hugest of policy mistakes.

The coming economic depression will bring with it a far higher mortality rate than covid and now our enemies know that all they have to do is release a moderate disease on our tube networks to bring our economies to their knees.... and we won't even know it's happened.

We are weak and we have shown it.

E-K said...


A country of hundreds of millions of square miles, billions of people and trillions of animals dispersed over it. The 1/100 year virus comes out of the town that has the virology lab in it with a wet market beside.

Pure coincidence of course.

(A lab cleaner had a tidy side job recovering bats from the hazchem bins and getting his wife to hang them out for the sales.)

Anonymous said...

I know there's such a thing as "events, dear boy" but short of Macron declaring war on us tomorrow I can't see how Boris can survive - my only concern being that the subs bench looks pretty poor to me.

I still wish Dom had kept his big trap shut, rather than enjoying his revenge piping hot. And what in God's name was the civil servant thinking of?

Elby the Beserk said...

E-K said...

A country of hundreds of millions of square miles, billions of people and trillions of animals dispersed over it. The 1/100 year virus comes out of the town that has the virology lab in it with a wet market beside.

10:57 am

Leaks of Fauci emails show

1. They were working in GoF. He said, under oath, they weren't.
2. They were also already working on a "vaccine".
3. They knew HCQ, Ivermectin & Interferon WORKED. Thousands died because of the deliberate refusal to administer these drugs, all over the world. Millions? Wherever it was used, massive improvements in Covid case happened.
4. They sprayed their home made Coronavirus into the Bat Cave (Holy Covid, Batman), as the only way of infecting the bats. God know what happened as a result of that. The mass sickness at the Wuhan Military games.

The virus was created to enable spike proteins to enter the body - various spike proteins do different things. All harmful.

People need to swing. Starting with Fauci.

Bill Quango MP said...

Subs bench is

Foreign Sec.

Nick Drew said...

@ I'm just wondering why Ukraine should be a concern of ours

well, anon, in the famous words of Trotsky, “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”

In this case, however it kicks off, watch out for the impact on your internet access because the cyberwarfare will be unconfined. (Then nobody needs to think about legislating the www ...)

Anonymous said...

The problem with conspiracy theories is that some of them turn out to be true.

It's not always the most obvious / realistic ones either, occasionally it's some of the crazier ones that turn out to be true.

So clearly there's a fine line between someone who's a crazy loon and wrong and someone who's appears to be a crazy loon but turns out to be correct.

What I find fascinating that despite all of humanities discoveries and increase in overall knowledge, we still behave the same as have for much of our existence. We still have a ruling elite that think they know what's best for the rest of us and anyone who questions their narrative is a heretic that must be silenced.

I suspect it's even more true today that if we want to understand out future, lets just look at our past.

BlokeInBrum said...

We already have cyberwarfare CU.

Most of it perpetrated by Western Elites and the Deep State against its own populace.

Not even the last President was immune to its effects having been essentialy deplatformed before being dethroned.

Nick Drew said...

as that great Trot journalist Paul Foot said: "always listen to the loonies"

not a few of his loonies turned out to be right

(shame about his politics)

Sobers said...

"Here's a great piece by my favourite practising American philosopher (and qualified lawyer), Brian Leiter: The Epistemology of the Internet and the Regulation of Speech in America."

Read like a typical leftist arsehole complaining that people like him don't have complete control over information any more, like they used to, and should still have (according to him).

Don Cox said...

"various spike proteins do different things. All harmful."

Do they ? Do you have any good references for this claim ? Obviously they are a functioning part of the virus, but what else do you suppose they do before being destroyed by the immune system cells ?

The point of putting some in your blood for a couple of days is to train your memory T cells to recognise the virus when it comes.

Don Cox

Don Cox said...

"What I find fascinating that despite all of humanities discoveries and increase in overall knowledge, we still behave the same as have for much of our existence. We still have a ruling elite that think they know what's best for the rest of us and anyone who questions their narrative is a heretic that must be silenced."

Indeed as you say we should look at history. At least Boris will have read Plutarch, and other classical historians.

Human nature doesn't change, and Shakespeare wrote the textbook on it. It's also worth while to read up on other social mammals such as wolves and hunting dogs.


Anonymous said...

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”

Then why aren't our troops on the Kentish beaches? There's more than one way of waging war.

"Curious about his grandmother's generation and what they did in the war, he decided three years ago to send letters to local newspapers across the country asking for those who lived through the war to write to him with their experiences. He rounded off his request with this question: 'Are you happy with how your country has turned out? What do you think your fallen comrades would have made of life in 21st-century Britain?' What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, which he has now published as a book, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves. There is the occasional bright spot - one veteran describes Britain as 'still the best country in the world' - but the overall tone is one of profound disillusionment."

'They were the people we fought for - our folk and our country. For today's society I would not have done it.'

Elby the Beserk said...

Don Cox said...
"various spike proteins do different things. All harmful."

Do they ? Do you have any good references for this claim ? Obviously they are a functioning part of the virus, but what else do you suppose they do before being destroyed by the immune system cells ?

The point of putting some in your blood for a couple of days is to train your memory T cells to recognise the virus when it comes.

Don Cox

1:36 pm

Take your time, Don.

In one of the leaked docs they talk about how the spike proteins in the virus they made did different things.

I'll give you this one

"Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the virus behind the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 disease. One of the key biological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, as well as several other viruses, is the presence of spike proteins that allow these viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection."

The WHOLE purpose of the spike protein is to DAMAGE you. Witness the horrifying numbers of dead and damaged from the four new mode jabs.

It's all out there, Don.

Don Cox said...

Your quote about spike proteins is talking about what they do when in place as part of the complete virus. It doesn't refer to isolated protein molecules floating around on their own. They are functional only as part of the complete structure of the virus.

You can be killed by a complete machine gun, but a separate nut or bolt from a gun isn't going to harm you, just lying around.

What can do get from any foreign protein molecules is mild flu-like symptoms as your immune system swings into action to mop them up and take note of them for future reference. Some people get extremely mild or imperceptible symptoms from a vaccine, others feel bad for two or three days.

Don Cox

Elby the Beserk said...

Don Cox said...
"various spike proteins do different things. All harmful."

The point of putting some in your blood for a couple of days is to train your memory T cells to recognise the virus when it comes.

Don Cox

1:36 pm
They were shot into the shoulder muscle in order to NOT get into the bloodstream. This didn't work, and they ended up in all sorts of organs, including the ovaries. And damaging them. Go check MHRA, VAERS & EUDRA.

The whole point of the mRNA approach (which might in the right hands be miraculous) is that the immune system is activated by the mRNA which is delivered into the cells - disguised in fact - in Lipid (fatty) nanoparticles. These themselves are toxic (as with spike proteins an internet search will tell you all you need to know). The mRNA then takes over. Again, it's all out there.

You do realises it's man made, yes? It's not just some nasty shit that came in from wherever, it was purposely made to do what it does. Without proper safety precautions (biohazard level 4 labs meant to be used, level 2 were - which one scientist described as "the same level of cleanness and security as a dentists).

Elby the Beserk said...


Here ya go. Short paper on how dangerous these new jabs are.

"On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable
evidence of their causative role in deaths after

Don Cox said...

"The whole point of the mRNA approach (which might in the right hands be miraculous) is that the immune system is activated by the mRNA which is delivered into the cells "

No, it's activated by the proteins that the mRNA codes for. For a few hours after the vaccination, ribosomes in the cells make spike proteins which are detected and remembered by the immune system.

It works.


Anonymous said...

Surely the men in grey suits must be on their way to #10?

And we'll have to be prepared for losing Boris' seat - I can't see him, any more than Blair, staying as a back-bencher.

Anonymous said...

Torygraph comment

"It isn't really about partying and breaking rules is it? It's about the willingness to foist rules on the population when those rules were not needed for the majority of us, and the police harassing and fining people.
In spite of that, they used fear to psychologically manipulate us into isolation and into a life so far from normal that many are still struggling to recover... while they partied. That's what really p is es me off.

It's also about lack of consideration, dignity and integrity, especially the night before Prince Phillip's funeral - the Queen's consort. Sure someone was leaving that day and they wanted to say goodbye. But they stopped us from doing anything like that. They ensured the Queen sat alone, they ensured people couldnt even attend funerals to say their last goodbyes."

I went to a funeral at a time when only 5 people were allowed.

Elby the Beserk said...

Don Cox said...
"The whole point of the mRNA approach (which might in the right hands be miraculous) is that the immune system is activated by the mRNA which is delivered into the cells "

No, it's activated by the proteins that the mRNA codes for. For a few hours after the vaccination, ribosomes in the cells make spike proteins which are detected and remembered by the immune system.

It works.


10:15 am

Works? Sorry? Do you know what a "leaky" virus is? It's one that DOESN'T WORK. And this is the mother of leaky viruses. I note you can't produce a single citation for this twaddle, Don

1. It doesn't stop you getting Covid, even if you have had it (unlike natural immunisation)
2. It doesn't stop you infecting other, and asymptomatically (i.e. the jabbed are MORE dangerous than the unjabbed.
3. It damages your immune system, more with each jab - the EMA is now warning against this, after 3 months ago huzzahing booster jabs.
4. MHRA figures suggest 18,000 KILLED by the jabs, and hundred of thousands damaged.

If that's your definition of "works", I am clearly wasting my time.

"Covid Vaccines: One Death per 8,000 People in Iceland, Serious Adverse Events 800-FOLD Higher Than With Earlier Vaccine Withdrawn on Safety Grounds"

Feel free to wreck your immune system, Don - me, I'm happy with mine and have no intention of having the most lethal jabs ever create.

Good luck. I'm done. Pissing in the wind more productive than reasoning with your baseless nonsense.

Anonymous said...

People have obviously known about these events for ages, but only now are they emerging. Some people have obviously decided BJ has to go.

Anonymous said...

Building on anon @11:34's comment and I suppose I should give some sort of trigger warning *conspiracy view ahead*

None of this No 10 party stuff feels organic and it looks like swampy political theatre and marionette string pulling at work - including the faux outrage by the lobby journalists (including those already reprimanded for having party's under lockdown).

Any guesses who's behind this? (Littlefinger Gove or Cummmings?) What the ultimate aim is (clearly getting rid of BJ, but then replace him with who and with what agenda?)

Given COVID is now endemic and nothing worse than your usual winter viruses that circulate, if it wasn't for the constant testing (and falsely attributing deaths within 28 days of a positive test, instead of deaths from covid) this would be a no different winter to most others.
So a good leader would soon be declaring COVID something we can live with and going back to the old normal and giving up all the additional powers the government granted themselves over the last 2 years.

However I just don't see this happening, I guess the answer will ultimately come when we find out who replaces Boris

dearieme said...

On conspiracy theories: thanks to the information dug out by Congressmen we now know what many must have suspected, the hushing up of the lab leak theory was a conspiracy that included Vallance and Farrar.

Has anyone yet demanded that their knighthoods be rescinded? If not I do so now. I hope someone will investigate whether their conspiracy broke any British laws.

lilith said...

It is such bliss not ever listening to the BBC. They don't half bang on without imparting any really significant information. Time they were shot.

For current affairs chat I quite like that unlikely-young-specimen-of-physical-perfection-and-well-brought-upness Freddie Sayers on Youtube; "Unherd". Any girl/boy could bring him home to meet Mother.

hovis said...

I can't take credit for this but good enough I will paraphrase:

Conspiracy theorist is a phrase intended to be pejorative and close down debate. Given the success of so many so called conspiracies with increasing regularity, especially over the last two years people suggesting them should be called conspiracy analysts.

I'd also add on CT's, people forget the definition of conspiracy, especially criminal conspiracy. So we see the phrase spouted without thought in a desperate attempt at validation. Additionally the involvement of spooks on the CT side if things appears to be twofold to introduce narratives and discredit others

Most of you may have seen it, but the best (and most human) exposition of why the whole charade is both wrong and malignant, take a look at the interview with Bob Moran on odysee if you havent already seen it.

Lockdown (approx 2 minutes) :
The whole interview (55 minutes):

Anon 12.30 - that is not a conspiracy, that is political speculation. If it is our esteemed host discussing possibilities of (possible) political manoeuvrings in Ukraine is also a conspiracy theorist.

Don - don't have it at my fingertips now, am on a limited work break, when I get time I will look out the papers on harm S Spike protein alone does and the expectation the evidence for it remaining in the body 12-15 months (hence why multiple boosters are a bad idea.)

lilith said...

Hovis, the Bob Moran interview is very good. Dripping with sanity and humanity.

dearieme said...

Fauci, Farrar, Vallance et al actually conspired to accuse other people of being conspiracy theorists. Very meta, eh? Such effrontery.

Elby the Beserk said...

hovis said...
Don - don't have it at my fingertips now, am on a limited work break, when I get time I will look out the papers on harm S Spike protein alone does and the expectation the evidence for it remaining in the body 12-15 months (hence why multiple boosters are a bad idea.)

1:58 pm

Your turn :-) Good luck. Don thinks spike proteins are lovely. I have paper after paper stashed away since Feb on all matters vaccine. It's a horror show and nobody cares

Very high excess death figures are happening all over the world. Videos of distraught nurses recounting what they are seeing - mostly strokes or cardiac.

Anyway, have fun!

Nick Drew said...

Enough already! Back OT - Ukraine is kicking off ...

(cyber-attack a pretty good leading indicator)

BlokeInBrum said...

Hacking a few Government web sites ≠ "massive cyber attack" , but what would the Guardian know?
Wake me up when they start attacking critical infrastructure.

Seelby the Berk said...

I see the anti vaxxer went OT in his 2nd comment
Quickly followed by full Godwin in the next.

@11:32 there is some hope
‘Good luck. I'm done. Pissing in the wind more productive than reasoning with your baseless nonsense.’

But sadly no, the utter bore is back @1759
Why do these types threaten to flounce and then continue to spout shite.

Anonymous said...

ND - I still don't understand why what's sauce for the Kosovo goose isn't sauce for the Donbass gander, and I understand still less why NATO should be concerned about it.

The Baltic, still less the Black Sea and Caspian, aren't the North Atlantic.

It infuriates me that our forces are faffing around there when the Channel is open to invaders facilitated by our soi-disant NATO allies.

Elby the Beserk said...

Seelby The Berk said...
I see the anti vaxxer went OT in his 2nd comment
Quickly followed by full Godwin in the next.

@11:32 there is some hope
‘Good luck. I'm done. Pissing in the wind more productive than reasoning with your baseless nonsense.’

But sadly no, the utter bore is back @1759
Why do these types threaten to flounce and then continue to spout shite.

Tiresome and odd that you think it's ok to kill and damage more than all ever before by vaccines that don't work.

Anonymous said...

As I wrote before there has been speculation that Ukraine has supported the North Korean missile program they were site of missile productionfor reds.

If so let them stew in their own juice!

DJK said...

Nobody knows what Russia ("a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma") is likely to do. We can safely ignore press briefings from US Intelligence ("imminent false flag attack"). Still, it's pretty clear that they will do something, having ramped up the rhetoric and backed themselves into a corner. I would guess the something will not be a full scale invasion, but nobody without access to the Kremlin really knows.

Seelby the Berk said...

As most on here have likely had the 2 x vaccine and booster we are clearly odd.

Yes we know you are a ‘pure blood’. LOL
We don’t need to read the conspiracy it’s clearly to late for the majority of us already jabbed.

Your superior research and doctorates in virology, microbiology etc could have saved us. LOL
You were too slow, you failed, we listened to health care professionals instead.

Why go on about ? That’s what I mean it’s tiresome.
Sit up straight on your virtuous throne looking down on us poor plebs as our corrupted dna morphs us into withering buffoons.
Just do it quietly, keep it amongst your friends and family, there’s a good chap.

dearieme said...

"we listened to health care professionals": are those the people who moronically claimed that masks work even though the evidence says the opposite?

Seelby the Berk said...

Did you have the vaccine ?

DJK said...

Please, can the covid monomaniacs just STFU? Minds were made up long ago, there is no debate to be had here.

Sobers said...

""we listened to health care professionals": are those the people who moronically claimed that masks work even though the evidence says the opposite?"

Not forgetting that they initially said the opposite......

Seelby the Berk said...


Did you have the vaccine Sobers ?

Charlie said...

The endless Covid chat is getting rather tiresome. The post is about Ukraine. Plenty of other places to have endless, unwinnable arguments about vaccines, conspiracies and cover-ups with strangers on the internet. Please use them.

Elby the Beserk said...

Charlie said...
The endless Covid chat is getting rather tiresome. The post is about Ukraine. Plenty of other places to have endless, unwinnable arguments about vaccines, conspiracies and cover-ups with strangers on the internet. Please use them.

12:55 am

Fair enough. All I would say is that what happened to us that the carnage these jabs have caused is a matter of no concern to government, media and clearly, most of the public. 80k dead in UK, EU, USA & OZ. Underreporting acknowledged to c10%. 800k dead. Who cares? I'm alright, Jack. Have we been SO numbed by lockdown?

ps - what the update shows is that they are nor safe.

Old Git Carlisle said...

I do agree enough of vaccine no one is likely to change their opinions.
Just goy back from Cathedral had great difficulty in keeping straight face during first reading Isaiah 62 1-5

.....the lord says ..... I will not rest untilher vindication shines out like the dawn. and her sanction like a burning torch. The nations will see your vindication , and all your kings your glory, and you shall be called a new name that the mouth of the lord will give............. You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no longer be called Desolate!!!!!!

Just to add to this the Gospel was John 2 1-11

Jesus turning the water into wine 20 to 30 gallons - more than a frig full!!!!

Old Git Carlisle said...

On subject of partygate - was there any illegal drug taking. saw report recently of cocaine in HOC loos. This would appear to be a group educated to the point of stupidity who would be likely to partake!!

hovis said...

Comment on the 'vid part of the thread - keeps re-surfacing again and again as it's closer to home than Ukraine, and our hollowed out institutions and two cheek same arse system are a much greater threat than Putin ever would be.

On Ukraine - I am struggling to see why Nato's eastward expansion is somehow seen as totally benign and something Russia should just accept. I seem to recall there was an instance, our US friends seemed to get hot under the collar when a small Caribbean island nation decided to host some missiles for another nation they were friendly with.

Nick Drew said...

Excellent Biblical references, OGC

This evening at Evensong, it was 1 Samuel 3:

And the Lord said ... the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle ... I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end ... I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth: because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not

Anonymous said...

Nothing about the end of BoJo?

Timbo614 said...

The door squeaks slowly open, an owl hoots nearby,
moonlight casts the shadow of a diminutive figure across the threshold,
Intrepid Timbo treads tentatively onto the threadbare carpet
He whispers: "Is it safe? Have they all gone?" the sighing wind is all he hears in reply.
"Ukraine" Timbo whispers, silence is his only answer.
Hidden in the Blog cabin shadows the Moderator Man sits quietly, muttering he hasn't had to moderate for at least ten years and he is a bit rusty.
"I won't mention covid or any disease theories at all" Timbo promises the darkness
"Putin" Timbo he cries in desperation as he gazes intently into the interior then a flicker of flame is that a candle he sees approaching?...


Caeser Hēméra said...

Going off Biden's speech last night, if Russia fully invades, NATO will slouch up to them. If they adopt the old doctrine of "Take 100 miles, give 25-50 back, rinse and repeat over time", NATO will squabble internally instead whilst Russia turns Ukraine into a 10 course meal to slowly digest, and various other nations get to wonder if they're going to be the port and cigars.

There's some scathing social commentary about fast food to be had there, no doubt.

The recent arrests of REvil indicate there's been some back channel diplomacy going on though, so what was the quid pro quo? Officially letting Russia have the bits it current unofficially controls?

Very mixed messages.

Bill Quango MP said...
