Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Who goes first?

What a week...

Monday - Darling announces huge liabilities likely to sit with taxpayers over Northern Rock; none of the bids very serious...
Tuesday - 25 million bank and personal details lost, announced by Alistair Darling
Wednesday - Kids masquerading as England players lose at home to Mighty Croatia and ruin next summer for England Football fans
Thursday - WTF? What can go wrong now??!

Anyway - the who will be the first to lose their job?

Steve or Ali?


Steven_L said...

I hate it when they have football tournaments in the cricket season!

Darling won't lose his job, yet, it's all part of the global conspiracy to introduce biometrics.

Old BE said...

Neither men will resigned willingly. Darling should be kept on until he has cleaned up Gordon's mess, McLaren should quit immediately but shouldn't be replaced in haste.

No need for an England manager for a while now.

Whispering Walls said...

Maybe they could try swapping roles? Couldn't do much worse...

Anonymous said...

We should take legal measures to prevent the so-called England squad from playing in our name.

Anonymous said...

England were complete rubbish from the start. I watched them hobble slowly out with a sinking heart...

Now I reckon I could have done either job just as well as them. I should apply shouldn't I? I have had my bid of £7 and two mars bars accepted for Northern Rock!!

Newmania said...

MMcLaren is hanging on for his pay off , and he will clng like a limpet . To be fair , why mnot , thnat was the deal.

Darling will hang on because his absence will expose Brown whioch , of course , must never be . He might have troubles as well, with the next incumbent , his authoroity is very low now

Newmania said...

And now we know its Mc C. Always the likeliest contender I suppose

CityUnslicker said...

Mc C it WW says; no doubt he is being lined up for the Treasury...who else could Brown call on to deflect all the blame; Mc C is perfect for this!

Bill Quango MP said...

Gordon Brown and Steve McClaren . Has anyone else noticed the similarity?

1} Never really achieved much before taking the big job on.

2} A decent NO 2 who clearly isn't capable of the number 1 slot.

3} Talks about having only recently come to the role .. conveniently forgetting all the time spent as a deputy in the previous administration.

4} Wants time 'to build a new vision'despite having plenty of time already on the bench to do this.

5} Doesn't really offer any new tactics to the previous regime. A lot of talk of change but little actual change until very heavy Media pressure forces some unwise and unfathomable changes.

6} Brings new younger people to the team, but they prove woefully inexperienced and prone to catastrophic errors.

7}Fails to capitalise and hold onto a big lead.

8} Unable to come up with a new plan when under pressure

9} Sticks by a person long after they have proved they need to be dropped, and then changes them for someone less qualified to do the role.

10} Bottles the really BIG event

And they both make you think that prehaps you misjudged the former leader and shouldn't have forced him out. It suddenly all seems to have got a lot worse.

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