To the hustings !
In the run-up to the 1952 election, Eisenhower was berated by his aides for not exhibiting sufficient showmanship on the stump. "If the price of victory is that I must shake both hands above my head" he replied, "it is a price I am not willing to pay".
By contrast, we'll do (almost) anything.
Vote, vote, vote for Bill Quango !
(That's Capitalists@Work,
*stands on head and shakes both legs in the air*
Than you Mr Drew.
"I'm Bill Quango and I endorse this message"
CityUnslicker, Nick Drew and Bill Quango MP are members of C@W, encouraging your dreams.
{Dreams not supplied}
Yes, but vote for him in what? And why the "www"?
Ah, I see. Page wasn't loading properly. I already voted for you, of course.
Tx Mark
& happy 'blogday !
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