Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Choo-Choo - Silly Season continues.

I was reading the obituary of Sir Antony Jay, masterly creator of Yes, Minister this morning

It made me think this morning that the really challenge of any comedy is to make it funnier than real life, or at least appear so.

Following  Yes Minister we had 20 years later the brilliant The Thick of It - reflecting the coarsening tone of public discourse and also the hectic madness of a 24 hour news cycle.

But yesterday we have a brilliant show, one of the world's best PR experts in Richard Branson against one of the world's worst, in Jeremy Corbyn. For anyone else, pictures of him walking past empty seats to made a little film about packed trains would be a resigning issue - after all it suggests complete lack of judgement and nous.

Oddly though, his opponent is in fact we find a comedic character, Owen Smith, who is actually worse as a public performer than Corbyn. Not as bad, or so, but actually worse. For example today, he passionately said he is opposed to Brexit and will make Labour do everything possible to stop it. Then, having besmirched democracy he calls Jeremy Corbyn a lunatic whilst on stage.

I mean, FFS, how can you do this? How can you be so bad. Literally, a man off the street could put in a better performance than either of these two.

Jim Hacker is a titan by comparison.


Demetrius said...

Hacker, I regret, would be far too intelligent, capable and dignified to be a leader of any of our present major parties. Also, he might be even a great deal more efficient.

andrew said...


A character with far too many firm principles.

Far too decisive

Almost churchillian.

You can almost trace the course of democracy over the last few decades...

Yes, Minister > House of cards(uk) > The thick of it > House of cards (us)

Sackerson said...

A "trained" mind should consider all angles...

Phil said...

There is literally nothing in that video that proves anything. A shot of half of a full carriage does not a full train make.