Saturday 1 October 2022

What a Tory story in Birmingham we will see next week

I submit, the only effective way to save the Country and the Tory party is for King Charles to have both Truss and Kwarteng sent to the Tower and executed. It would be a very popular move. We can reset again.

One thing I do sense is that the Tory MP’s won’t want to let the members choose a leader again anytime soon. Not that they are going to get near power until 2040 at least anyway. 


djm said...

The time for public executions has passed.

If wholesale decimation of the bankster class after 2008, & political class following June 2016 had been effected, then the current slide into the WEF Brave New World might have been averted.

E-K said...

2040 ?

A good name for an Orwell book I think.

Anonymous said...

The members didn't really chose a leader. The were given Hobson's Choice by the MPs.

Up until David Cameron changed the rules, the Tory party tended to pick a relative unknown for the next leader. They were then fairly patient with the choice while they started to make their mark.

Recent choices, with the probable exception of Boris, have been high-profile people who simply thought it was their turn. The members of the party and the public at large have neither agreed with that view, or had a real say in the matter.

It's also how Jeremy Corbyn ended up as leader of the Labour party. Nobody really knew who he was, and all the other candidates looked the same.

DJK said...

Yes, going to be a fun conference week, especially if there is another financial meltdown in the middle of it. Really, I hope that that projection that after the next GE there would only be two Tory MPs is correct. The modern Conservative party deserves to be buried just as the old Liberal party was, or the Progressive Conservative party in Canada.

Don Cox said...

I saw no financial meltdown, except on the BBC news.

The FED raised interest rates. The BoE raised them by less. Naturally the dollar rose in value and other currencies (with lower interest rates) fell. Why the BoE didn't raise rates by more, I don't know. Maybe they were worried about the effect on mortgages.

In any case, the effect was short-lived.

I see nothing wrong in the tax cuts, but I think they should have been explained better.


Anonymous said...

CU: "Tory MP’s won’t want to let the members choose a leader again anytime soon."

You are funny.

The Tory MPs ensured that the rank and file had the worst possible choice.

The real question is, would the rank and file choose these Tory MPs if they hadn't had control of candidate selection wrested from them by that pompous asset stripper and Green fanatic David Cameron?

E-K said...

Agree with Don Cox.

Unfunded debt (much larger) for lockdown ? No probs.

Unfunded debt (much larger) for energy caps ? No probs.

Tax cuts (without even a hint of attacking Big State) ? Solid material hits fan.

The only thing Truss and Kwarteng failed to do was to declare that they were going to defund Big State, quangos, woke-ism and dole-ism.

If not now then when ?

andrew said...

A lot of mps are second rate chancers because that sort of person tends to succeed in that game.
By an emergent property of the uk political structures we tend to select for the useless.

Viz truss and the other one.

People who believe in trickle down economics.
They belong next to the flat feathers and others who have beliefs based on faith rather than evidence.

E-K said...

Energy prices and interest rates soar. Total bubbling of Nord Stream seas ?

Who's handing arses to whom ?

In order to thwart Communism we are about to become Communist. (2040 as above.)

Anonymous said...

E-K: "Who's handing arses to whom ?"

It a given that the USA destroyed the Nordstream pipelines. It wasn't even to pinch Russia's nose, but to keep Germany 'in the pig trap'. Now, without the German economy - which can't possibly survive without cheap Russian gas. What will become of the European Union?

E-K: "In order to thwart Communism we are about to become Communist. (2040 as above.)"

At the rate they are destroying food production ( Mark Rutte WEF placeman in the Netherlands ), Set aside and rewilding in the UK. Without cheap energy food production will fall. Not just because fertilizer production will fall and prices will rise, but with high energy, mass production of such products as chickens will stop. Mass produced chickens are reared in heated warehouses. That, now are uneconomic.

A good many people alive today, won't be in 2040. And I'm not talking about those folk who are dying from the side effects of the COVID vaccines.

jim said...

Pity the poor warm-up act at the Tory Party conference, like attending the bedside of a dying relative. Then the FT says 'The honeymoon is over', the bride is fu^&ed already. Indelicate souls suggest by the Chancellor.

As for the economy, held up on hot air and confidence it was no time for clumsy announcements. Budget in haste - repent at leisure. Fingers burned, time to be more careful. Sunak would have been a better bet, but he was not the ERG's patsy.

But what to do now, cut cut cut our way to prosperity? No, what is needed is council houses left and right (without right to buy or assured tenancy), a presumption in favour of the ugliest most polluting industries going, in fact any industry at all, turn the military over to being mercenaries and institute grammar schools and extra teachers and for social policy - let the devil take the hindmost.

I had thought a strictly limited nuclear confrontation with Putin might usefully provide a 'reset'. Say 20 to 30 million dead across the EU. Save us the bother of renovating Parliament and add a bit of creative destruction and de growth. But to do so would require keeping the Yanks out of it (no sense of humour them) and that would leave the world markets and political landscape wide open to the Chinese and the Yanks. But it would hold back immigration for a while - just when we needed it.

As it is we stay on life support, TUBB - as we were before.

Nick Drew said...

Truss also doubled down on the decision to remove the top rate of income tax (45%) as "it's part of an overall package of making our tax system simpler and lower" ... "It was a decision that the chancellor made" she said.

No brains - and not even basic loyalty

Diogenes said...

No brains - and not even basic loyalty

....but, but, but. She understands the game well.

Whomever wields the knife will be toast, and she will be allowed to remain until the next GE. Whenever that is. There isn't a chance in hell the Conservatives will want another leader before the next GE.

Best plan a long holiday - somewhere warm - and take your assets with you.

jim said...

September was pleasant, pool, shade of lemon tree etc etc. Back to rain and cold and Truss/KK.

Local lady is now a bit miffed with her estate agents and with Trussy. Put her crib on mkt for a mere £1.2M, rejected offer for £850k (its a bit of a tip) on advice, now she won't be moving for a good 2 years if that. TBH the market round here for larger places has been a bit dead since the Spring, so silly girl.

Other elderlies were sitting around with rugs and heating turned down. When asked if feeling the pinch - Oh No, we are off to Caribbean for 5 weeks. So not all bad for the 85s. Meanwhile local post office is due to close down and doctor's surgery is absolutely rammed.

Years ago I was Chair for a small Con Association. Local MP was a patrician sort but good enough to turn out on a wet night to village hall re Poll Tax. Asked for 'have you got the questions' to which relied, no mate, you're the MP. TBH he handled it well and gave a good hint the PT was a dead duck. Since then it has all gone downhill, the next MP was parachuted in and the idea of a public meeting with your MP is a thing of the past. All hide under the bed, securiddy yer know. A few more tomatoes, rotten eggs and cobblestones would improve the breed.

Having seen a little of politics from the underside I can say it is a disgusting disgusting business, glad to have left it behind.

Matt said...

Other than the fact that there are more non-taxpayers or those who only contribute a token amount (including all the cash-in-hand trades-people) what is the justification for better off to be fleeced by HM Government?

Those of the "rich" that want to donate more already have the ability to write a cheque to HMRC for whatever they feel will keep a 3rd generation benefit family in tabs, alcohol, mobility cars and social housing. The rest, quite rightly, might rather they spent it in a more productive manner.

If the poor want all the trappings of a rich society, they need to step up and pay for it. Way too many snouts in the trough.

Caeser Hēméra said...
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Caeser Hēméra said...

It's the Parliamentary party's own fault - they wanted Rishi, and so gave the members a two horse race between what they thought was a thoroughbred, and what they thought was a donkey, but with enough look of a thoroughbred so as to make the fix not very obvious.

The members voted for the donkey.

Badenoch was the better option to stick up against Sunak, as if they voted in the "wrong" option, they'd at least have been left with someone on first name terms with competence.

Unlike Truss, which it is now competence has not only unfriended on all social media, but went and got a restraining order against her.

E-K said...

So that's it then. We're governed by pollsters, newspaper columnists, black footballers and the BBC.

There was nothing wrong with the cut in 45% tax rate - what was wrong was that Truss and Kwarteng didn't have the balls to take on The Blob with those cuts.

The Tories don't have the time to mess around. They must stand or fall on Thatcherism. There is no other option for them or 2040 it is.

Matt said...

One cut down, all the rest to follow shortly. Ah well, a brief but fleeting view of what a Conservative party used to be like.

Jan said...

The Bliarites are out to get Truss and Kwartang from every angle. It's pitiful to see the amount of pure venom directed at them, quite a lot of it from their own party. They must hold their nerve especially when it comes to the necessary restructuring of the welfare state.