Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Mandelson on manoeuvres

Mandy's at it again.  You can always tell a Mandelson-scripted briefing, not least when he's seeking personal advancement.

That time, he wanted to be on the NEC.  Now he wants to be Chancellor of the university.  And here it is, spoon-fed to the simpering lapdogs of LabourList: 

... a Labour Chancellor could argue in favour of reform.  The combination of a Labour Oxford Chancellor and a Labour government could also change the tone of the wider debate around universities... A new Chancellor, alongside a new government, could promote higher education reform for the first time in 14 years.  

The lapdogs have helpfully provided links - twice! - for qualified electors to register for the vote.  Shamelessly blatant, or what?

The very thought of this makes me feel ill.  People went to some lengths to stop Harold Wilson getting this honour, and I suspect Mandy will also not be gratified. 



dearieme said...

At least he's not Justin Welby.

patently said...

To be fair, our higher education system is in dire need of reform. However, the reforms are needed in order to undo the harm done by New Labour...

John in Cheshire said...

I thought Malefactor Mandelson was chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University. Is he no longer or is he collecting chancellorships?

Anonymous said...

What an excellent drawing of Mandy. But why are you making him look like Arnold Rimmer with that H on his forehead. Are you suggesting something we are not aware of?

Anonymous said...

I think I'd prefer Arnold Judas Rimmer nearer the levers of power...there's always a chance Ace would turn up and sort everything out!

Smoke me a kipper

Elby the Beserk said...

"Mandy's at it again. You can always tell a Mandelson-scripted briefing, not least when he's seeking personal advancement."

When is he not, pray?

jim said...

Well, Mandy certainly has bottom. Something of a rogues gallery putting themselves up for this job.

“Nonne et tibi et mihi certum clarumque videtur, Insignissima Vice-Cancellaria, rerum publicarum et loca et tempora turbulente mutata esse?”

My thanks to The Economist for this fragment of Encaenia 2021.

dearieme said...

That reminds me of a friend who learned that he would have to spout a Latin grace in his Cambridge college. He came to me with the printed version and said "You're old enough to have done Latin, could you teach me how to pronounce this?"

"Yes" I said "but we were taught the Latin pronunciation of Latin. What you need is the English pronunciation - which always gives me the creeps so that I have never learnt it." I recommended he consult someone else.

electro-kevin said...

I have an idea.

Nick Drew especially.