Having recently had a go at the Graun for its evident decision[1] to proselytise actively on behalf of a partisan position on contestable energy issues, this is by way of a follow-up suggesting that things might be looking up, both at the newspaper and also at the Beeb.
The paper first. At the weekend, their rather good columnist[2] Sonia Sodha had this to say:
Free speech is neither a “nice to have” nor a rightwing project: it is a fundamental tenet of democracy and when it is under threat, it is disempowered minorities who suffer most. Labour needs to stop seeing important free speech protections introduced by Tory ministers as expendable fuel for attacking their predecessors.
And on a quite different topic, Nils Bratley opined as follows:
... before Drax is promised a penny extra from billpayers, Ed Miliband, the energy secretary, should commission a properly independent review of the business model of burning wood pellets to generate electricity. It should cover both the environmental impact ... and the stupendous subsidies.
I strongly applaud both sentiments. And both are clearly opinion pieces, which is the honourable way to go for a proper newspaper.
Now for the Beeb. I am delighted to note that they have genuinely got their teeth into two stories that essentially reflect a proper critique / criticism of Starmer's Labour Party. The first is the Winter Fuel payments issue, which Reeves and Starmer have strongly signalled they intend to tough out - it's in that category we highlighted of Reasons Aplenty for Ruthless Whipping. But, patently, they can't be taking any pleasure in the way it's rumbling on. The awful Alastair Campbell used to say that if an awkward story runs for more than 3 days, you've got a problem. Well, this one is several weeks and counting, and the Beeb has taken it to its heart in ways that make the problem worse for the government. As well they might - it's an early unforced error and an acute political test for Labour: but personally I had felt there'd be a longer period where the uncritical pre-election fawning over Starmer would be continuing in that quarter. Seemingly not[3]. This isn't any more than their charter requires of them, but given past performance it's moderately encouraging. Credit where it's due.
The send is their gleeful playing-up of the outrageous story of "Parliament's biggest landlord", the reprehensible Jas Athwal MP. One has to pick through issues like this with caution, but in the background there's the sordid prevalence of a certain type of landlord mercilessly exploiting tenants of the same ethnicity as themselves - "own-country landlord" is generally how the victims ruefully express their plight. Maybe Mr Athwal's portfolio is not of this profile - but the Beeb evidently knows. Their ability to report on renters' profiles has however been hampered by the fact that the people they got interviews from were subsequently intimidated into silence, as the Beeb reported, and withdrew permission for their statements to be used. Reasonable people will doubtless draw their own conclusions. The Beeb clearly has it in for Athwal - a man parachuted into his seat in Labour's nasty little pre-election deselection campaign - and, often with smiles on their faces when reporting his twisting and turning, seems determined to run him to ground. Once again, credit where it's due, & plaudits to them for their journalism.
[1] By way of explicit ratification, here's their resident green wingnut George Monbiot:
"For every pound or dollar spent on ['climate crisis'] persuasion by an environmental charity or newspaper ..."
[2] Inter alia, she's broadly sound on the baleful 'trans' issue, too. How much sh*t must she get from the fundies at the Graun?
[3] Of course, anti Starmer animus can easily come from several angles: many lefties hate him cordially, as much as does anyone with the slightest regards for probity & intellectual integrity
There are two hard and difficult conversations any government has to have with the electorate. The first is demographics and how much of state support can the nation have? The second is how many people can that redefined state support?
Time to have that conversation and if WFA is the catalyst then all well and good.
Perhaps as part of that future discussion could encompass why we need the BBC or the Monarchy. [Other financial black holes available.]
The Beeb clearly has it in for Athwal - a man parachuted into his seat in Labour's nasty little pre-election deselection campaign - and, often with smiles on their faces when reporting his twisting and turning, seems determined to run him to ground. Once again, credit where it's due, & plaudits to them for their journalism................
*Inserts Laurel & Hardy laughing uncontrollably*
@ Diogenes
The problem is that the state prefers to support those who have made little effort to support themselves (and will do so from cradle to grave). Those who do contribute will be means tested out of any return on their contributions ("rich" pensioners for example).
Incentives matter so what will people do? More will take the option of suckling on the state teat and the whole thing will collapse. Sadly not without taking the whole country down.
"Winter Fuel payments issue"
The fact that MPs get a £3,500+ heating allowance has not gone unnoticed...
It would seem to me that despite having such a huge electoral mandate, that only one in five voted for Labour would suggest that a moderate approach to government would be appropriate, concentrating on the main tasks of government
1. Keep us safe
2. Enforce the law
3. Help business and the economy appropriately.
Instead we get a wrecking ball, manipulated by a piggy eyed old school headmaster who loathes his pupils and loves punishing them.
His is of course our 21st century Cromwell. I suggested to No. 10 they replaced the portrait of Thatcher with one of Cromwell; oddly they never got back to me.
My favourite Substack at the moment is David McGrogan's "News from Uncibal" a superb merge of fury and articulate writing.
I commend unto you today's offering.
I have to say, were I 21 rather than 73 with Grandkids, I'd be out of here like a shot. Probably Hungary...
Hungarian women are gorgeous, or do we just get the best ones over here?
Totally OT, but I can see Lucy Letby being free inside a year.
"Scribbled notes by the neonatal nurse Lucy Letby, used to help convict her of murdering seven babies, were written on the advice of professionals as a way of dealing with extreme stress, the Guardian has learned. The notes were relied on as amounting to a confession by the prosecution during her first trial and in the court of appeal, but sources close to the case said they were produced after counselling sessions as part of a therapeutic process in which she was advised to write down her troubling thoughts and feelings."
"Hungarian women are gorgeous, or do we just get the best ones over here?"
No. Definitely an avert your eyes for an old codger such as I 😉
"There are two hard and difficult conversations any government has to have with the electorate"
But but but - they never happen do they? Recall during Jacqui Smith's "Big Conversation" about Drugs, Brown hoiked the classification of Cannabis from C to B. Some conversation. And now, with Cromwell in charge, there will be no conversation - just "do as you are told. Or I'll punish you"
FUBAR doesn't even start to describe what is happening here
I couldn't - she was my dentist, but at least it took my mind off the dentistry. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
Off topic, but German industry really is being killed by the loss of Russian energy. Tragedy just when the Chinese are eating the world's lunch.
Starmer was a huge advocate for lockdown and we would still be in one now if he were leader, I'm sure. This to 'save granny' whom he's happy to kill by hypothermia now.
In fact he's just put our economy into lockdown with his dire speech and plans on Net Zero and taxation.
He's a psychopath. He actually hates granny. He used Covid in a left wing putsch. Woke has gone mad since and it's no coincidence. BLM took rise during lockdown and we've never had a white lad in a TV advert since.
Starmer, Reeves and Rayner are looking like the nasty pieces of work they are and thankfully some on the Left are now seeing it.
People mock the pensioners but they can do a serious amount of damage.
Not rioting but by blocking key routes in wheelchairs and on zimmers with National Treasure celebrities at the front. Let's see the police get their tazers and sticks out on those.
The precedent for peaceful obstruction has already been set.
This government is evil and demented. Just look at Miliband's contorted mong face ! Look at Reeves' dead eyes above her moving mouth - like and Ingsoc projection on a screen.
Pensioners have time on their hands.
Banners with "Labour's not Working" within the first three months of government. Yes please !
And why hasn't the bond market intervened with this underfunded spending splurge ???
Where is the Bank of England and fuck the King, the useless cnut.
The problem EK is that the non-Leftists are those with the stoical British attitude of tut-tutting and making do. They won't get out onto the streets because it's not the done thing. Give up and find somewhere else to live like your kids have!
I see noone has to take the knee any more in a game of footie, nor to they have to sing the anthem as many players will have divided loyalties plus it puts them off their game.
Trans seems to have fallen off the agenda in recent weeks.
It's all very curious
Heating for pensioners has done that, Anonymous. Labour really are the nasty party. They used granny to kill off Brexit and the Boris Government - now they want to kill granny.
I did say that lockdown extended beyond two weeks (in which time we'd assessed that the vast majority were not at risk) was going to destabilise the west and turn us communist.
Well here we are.
Freedom is worth risking dying to protect. Whether by war or disease. We cowered and lost.
We'd better all start studying the Q'ran because that is going to be our guiding philosophy in all things soon.
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