Thursday, 28 January 2010

Trading positions update

Since last year when you could throw a dart and make a profit in trading shares, I have reduced a little my number of positions. Plus I have a little more cash on the sidelines now, over 10%, to be able to exploit any sudden market fall (which will happen by mid-year, but it is too events driven to predict). However, we are not going in 2010 to have a big crisis like 2008 - so I would be amazed at a correction that takes the FTSE much towars 4500.

Anyway, in order of investment size here are my picks:

Name                                          Last price  Short/Medium/Long Hold   Price Target   Sell Event
Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited     91.75                 Long                           250            Sale of Company
Minerva plc                                  71.25                 Short                           90              Letting of City office
EMED Mining Public Limited        12.5                   Long                           50              Start up of Mine
Ithaca Energy Inc.                         78.58                 Long                            120             price target
Heritage Oil Limited                     503                    Medium                       600             price target
Ascent Resources Plc                    5.88                   Medium                       10               Completion of Drills
FORTE ENERGY NPV                11                     Short                            20              JV with Aveva
Chariot Oil & Gas Limited            37.5                   Long                           100             Sale of Company
Xtract Energy Plc                         2.68                   Long                           4.5              Completion of Drills
Invista European REIT                26.25                 Medium                         45               price target
Kopane Diamonds                       12.39                 Long                             35               price target
Innovation Group PLC                13.5                   Short                            16                price target
Petra Diamonds Limited               53                    Medium                         80               price target


Steven_L said...

Only non-fund position is Barclays which I bought at around 276p the other day.

You seem to understand these mining stocks - I don't understand them one iota.

I understand that Barlcays make lots of money and politicans talk lots of rubbish about banks while writing their shareholders cheques though.

roym said...

50p target for EMED eh?

(runs off to rummage down back of sofa for spare cash).

my own long termers are rolls royce and nat. grid. gambling on BHR, wondering about physiomics and monitise.

Savonarola said...

Chariot Oil(Catto excessively bullish)
Amerisur(Oil Gas exp Para/Columbia)
Centamin (gold in Egypt)
Polo Resources(uranium, coal, copper)
African Aura(West Africa diamonds gold iron ore)
Kalahari Minerals(uranium developer)
Entree Gold(Mongolia/USA)
Platinum Australia(SA platinum)

Above are punting stocks all in good profit.

CityUnslicker said...

Not bas D. I try ana avoid Dattels though - not sure he is in it for the investors

Savonarola said...


Yes SD is slick and some of his friends(JM)slicker. Yet.....

I also have a decent position in Charlemagne Capital which is a warrant on the Russian market. I brought down my costs of acquisition by buying a pile at 0.8p. Jayne S,MD, is smart. Much of her wealth is tied up here. AuM rising.